
Summary:ASTERISK-04401: iax2 codec pref broken suspect recent create_addr changes in iax2
Reporter:Brian West (bkw918)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-06-12 11:26:14Date Closed:2005-06-23 21:52:11
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I notice the prefs are empty and no matter what I can not get it to work correctly.

I'll attach more info as I test more today.

Comments:By: lancey (lancey) 2005-06-15 19:19:46

Me also noticed that 2 days ago, asked in the IRC channel but noone confirmed to have the same issues, so i thought i've messed things up.

What i notice:
preferences by peer do not work, but codec preferences in the [general] section of iax2.conf work. If this could be any help...

By: Joe Antkowiak (antkojm1) 2005-06-17 12:34:17

ditto, codecpriority is now blank, but the codec preference in general and peer/user specific still works

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-06-20 20:36:01

I'm a bit confused by the notes here, they seem to be contradictory. I've reviewed the create_addr() function again and it does seem to doing the right thing with peer->prefs, so I'll need to see a debug trace showing the failing behavior before I can do much else with this issue.

By: Joe Antkowiak (antkojm1) 2005-06-20 21:23:09

unfortunately this also seems to have broken outbound calls to iaxy's (one-way audio), but inbound calls (from iaxys) work fine

also seems to be affecting iax calls between head and the latest stable, same result as the iaxy calls

By: lancey (lancey) 2005-06-20 21:25:53

What I'm talking about:

Test 1



exten => 2222,1,Dial(IAX2/username@peername/0012345)

   -- Called username@peername/0012345
   -- Call accepted by (format ulaw)
   -- Format for call is ulaw
   -- Hungup 'IAX2/peername-7'

>* Codec priorities set in the [peername] section obviously don't work. *<

Test 2


** note that NO codec is allowed, so call should NOT be possible.

extensions.conf is the same.

   -- Called username@peername/0012345
   -- Call accepted by (format ilbc)
   -- Format for call is ilbc
   -- Hungup 'IAX2/peername-2'

The call proceeds, according to the codec priorities in the [general] section, although it should fail with codec negotiation error.

kpfleming, tell me exactly what you need and how could I do it.

By: hex (hex) 2005-06-22 01:11:50

Same problem here, had hissing noise and/or one way audio between two asterisk boxes using iax2 trunking.  Disabled trunking still the same result plus tried some other things.  After reading this bug, and noticing that my upgraded box thought the call was gsm which it should have been ulaw, I set the codec in the [general] section, reloaded chan_iax2.so on the upgraded system and it temporarily resolved the problem.

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-06-22 16:24:07

lancey: do an 'iax2 show peer' for a peer that's having the problem, and capture that output. then do 'set verbose 255', 'set debug 255' and ensure that the debug channel is enabled for your log file in logger.conf. Finally, place a call and send the trace of the call attempt with all that detail included.

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-06-23 21:52:00

I believe this is fixed in CVS HEAD, now, please test and re-open this bug if necessary.