
Summary:ASTERISK-04009: The AgentLogin Applicaction don't report the agent number in the CDR Record
Reporter:Fernando Romo (el_pop)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-04-28 11:09:41Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:11:54
Versions:Frequency of
Description:i use the CDR feature with postgreSQL but when the agent Logoff, the "AgentLogin" Application report all the sesion information but not the agent number, in place show the Extension info.


CDR of Postgres Sample:

acctid |        calldate        |     clid      | src  | dst  | dcontext |    channel    | dstchannel |  lastapp   | lastdata | duration | billsec | disposition | amaflags | accountcode |     uniqueid     | userfield
 77750 | 2005-04-28 11:06:03-05 | "2001" <2001> | 2001 | 9600 | agents   | SIP/2001-9f64 |            | AgentLogin |          |       11 |      11 | ANSWERED    |        3 |             | 1114704363.15858 |
 77746 | 2005-04-28 09:03:33-05 | "2016" <2016> | 2016 | 9600 | agents   | SIP/2016-a462 |            | AgentLogin |          |     7343 |    7343 | ANSWERED    |        3 |             | 1114697013.14419 |

The problem is to control the total time of the agent, not of the Sip/Channel becouse the agent change of place often.
Comments:By: Fernando Romo (el_pop) 2005-04-28 11:20:07

chan_agent.c has the control of the agents actions, in the manager API sends the Agents logins and outs correctly

By: Kevin P. Fleming (kpfleming) 2005-04-28 11:26:58

You can do this yourself in the dialplan, by using SetCDRUserField() before processing the agent's logon/logoff request. I believe this information is also logged in queue_log, although that can't be sent to a database directly.