
Summary:ASTERISK-03916: Multihomed PC Asterisk still does not working on SIP
Reporter:manero (manero)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-04-12 08:04:25Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:04:49
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Request for category change to Major for bugs 0003987 and similar 0002358.

First is that major bug? YES - (from Guidelines) A bug which completely prevents Asterisk from operating in a method that it normally is expected to operate -- and particularly if it cannot be reasonably worked around -- is MAJOR.
There is no way how to initiate call between two SIP phones if Asterisk is on multihomed PC. Is there workaround? - no I didn't find any non-multihomed server (maybe 10 years ago).

Causes of bug:
There is bad presumtion in Asterisk that causes replies with other IP than that on which request arrive (eg: in INVITE). Asterisk stays on assumtion that on multihomed PC there exists routing between each virtual network - this is not true.
Further there is no way how to distinguish between set of IPs. There is no primary or secondary, etc IP. All IPs are equivalent. I don't understand rule how Asterisk choose some specific address different from destinating IP.

All these means basic misunderstanding of today TCP/IP. If there exists reason to replay with different IP than it cannot be resolved automaticaly but only by configuration of Asterisk.

It seems to me that there is patch (0002358) but this patch is 6 months old but today code is a step further and even it is not clear if this patch is working.

Any suggestion?
Comments:By: Clod Patry (junky) 2005-04-12 08:12:42

why do you post this exactly? that's a duplicate of ASTERISK-232658, so push for that one instead of post a new bug, no?
And about "It seems to me that there is patch (0002358) but this patch is 6 months old but today code is a step further and even it is not clear if this patch is working.", just test that patch and report on ASTERISK-232658 if that work for you.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2005-04-12 09:46:37

yes this is a dupe of 2358.  And if he continues to post the SAME EXACT BUG over and over i'm gonna start deleting them.


By: Brian West (bkw918) 2005-04-12 09:48:24

Find someone on IRC.. ie Kpflemming or kram and talk to them about bug 2358 (this is also isn't a bug since asterisk was never written to do what you wish... granted it shouldn't do this but nobody ever said it should)  I too have this problem with asterisk but it will be fixed.  Opening up the same bug OVER AND OVER is just gonna cause us problem.
