
Summary:ASTERISK-03245: asterisk deadlock in queueing engine
Reporter:joshz (joshz)Labels:
Date Opened:2005-01-10 14:50:53.000-0600Date Closed:2008-01-15 15:21:53.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) deadlock_from_iax_agent_crash.txt
Description:Asterisk throws:

Jan 10 15:25:41 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:26:09 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:26:36 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:26:44 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:26:54 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:27:41 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:27:41 WARNING[19746]: Avoided initial deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 ret
Jan 10 15:28:26 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:28:32 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:28:40 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:28:49 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:29:13 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:29:13 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:30:27 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:30:35 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:30:45 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:30:59 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!
Jan 10 15:31:52 WARNING[19746]: Avoided deadlock for 'Agent/106', 10 retries!

In all CVS versions since ~12/15/05.  Seems to occur only on IAX agents, not on ZAP agents.  Cannot duplicate chain of events that causes this.  I will of course attach debugger to process and try to duplicate this afternoon with debugger attached.

I must kill -9 asterisk pid and restart asterisk.  Happens every 6 or 7 hours when call center is in production.
Comments:By: Brian West (bkw918) 2005-01-10 14:53:55.000-0600

Please review the posting guidelines.


It smells like you didn't make clean.  Please do a "make clean"  and try again.  Anytime channel.h or any other struct is changed YOU MUST DO A MAKE CLEAN or stupid stuff like this takes place.  Please post your findings to but 3308.

By: joshz (joshz) 2005-01-14 09:47:17.000-0600

3308 was closed, I still believe this is a different issue, I am going to post the debug

By: joshz (joshz) 2005-01-14 09:54:02.000-0600

Debug posted, I can make the system available for remote acccess if needed.  Thanks for the help.

By: nick (nick) 2005-01-14 19:21:44.000-0600

joshz, did you do a 'make clean && make install' like bkw asked?  And while you're at it, be sure you do it with latest CVS.


By: joshz (joshz) 2005-01-14 20:23:33.000-0600

Sorry Nick, I posted that comment on bug 3308 related to bkw's suggestion.  Absolutely did as always (and did again) make clean; make valgrind; make install.  Checked all dates/times on files.  Loaded latest CVS this afternoon around 19 Z and we had the same problem around 24 Z.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2005-01-15 17:27:55.000-0600

Fixed in CVS head.  I don't *think* this problem will occur in stable.

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 15:21:53.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 4805

U   trunk/channels/chan_agent.c

r4805 | markster | 2008-01-15 15:21:53 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

Fix agent deadlock (bug ASTERISK-3245)

