
Summary:ASTERISK-02339: no out bound audio not even on echo test
Reporter:darwin35 (darwin35)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-09-04 09:17:32Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:07:29
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Sep  3 23:16:53 NOTICE[138443776]: rtp.c:416 ast_rtp_read: RTP: Received packet with bad UDP checksum.


Asterisk CVS-HEAD-09/03/04-23:04:55, Copyright (C)
Freebsd 5.2.1-Release-P9
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-09-04 10:49:19

Unless you have something more meaningful to add, the problem is almost certainly a bad UDP checksum just as the message says.

By: darwin35 (darwin35) 2004-09-04 12:31:37

I have no bad udp from any othe rprograms then * and it was working fine up till  tuesday when I cvsuped and gmmake and installed then I started getting udp error. can you give a idea what might be causeing the udp if you think thats all it is . Have had users using xten  have the same problem since tuesday. nothing has changed on my system  execpt the cvs of *.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-09-04 12:35:02

Whenever I've seen this bug on Linux, it always has always turned out to be UDP checksum corruption, typically from a NAT router.  There is someone else complaining about something possibly related in bug ASTERISK-2084 which is why I linked this to that one.  You can use ethereal to view your network and see whether it is in fact a UDP checksum failure.