
Summary:ASTERISK-02279: callerid field in sip.conf changes Contact: header
Reporter:Terry Wilson (twilson)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-08-26 17:29:58Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:49
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When placing a SIP to SIP call via asterisk I have noticed that if you have an alpha-numeric SIP account name, and set the callerid in sip.conf to something like "Technical Support"<4002>, the Contact: header is changed to 4002@X.X.X.X as opposed to the actual SIP account name when you place an outbound call.  If you are using external proxies, this can lead to misrouted BYE requests, etc.

Shouldn't the callerid setting only affect the From: field?
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-08-26 21:19:34

Are you saying that in sip.conf when you set the "callerid" field for a peer that calls going out to *that* peer have the contact wrong, or calls originating from that peer going to another peer have the contact as the callerid field?  If the latter, it is *not* a bug.  The contact is correct because all SIP calls *ALWAYS* originate from Asterisk.  Remember that Asterisk is NOT a SIP proxy, it is a back-to-back UA.

By: Terry Wilson (twilson) 2004-08-27 09:08:53

The latter.  But even if the call originates from asterisk, what is the point of changing the Contact: header for caller-id purposes?  If not changing this field, is their another way of specifying callerid on a per user basis (for outgoing calls) without changing the Contact: header?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-08-27 11:15:44

No, there isn't because Asterisk should always receive the BYE, and it *is* the destination.  Again, all calls begin and end on Asterisk -- it is not a proxy in the strict SIP sense.