
Summary:ASTERISK-02191: Avoid deadlock (2)
Reporter:cybershield (cybershield)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-08-05 02:57:28Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:22
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Yesterday I have update asterisk with the last version of CVS for install the version 0.3.4b of the chan_capi.  
After the update, it is appeared the text: 'channel.c:466 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'CAPI[contr2/0697746344]/821', 10 retries!'

The system have one pci card with 4 isdn port, it is use the CAPI driver. This asterisk box does not have zaptel card.

Receive call from SIP protocol and send to isdn card.

The extensions.conf:

exten => _06.,3,Dial,CAPI/@0697746343:b${EXTEN}
exten => _06.,4,Dial,CAPI/@0697746344:b${EXTEN}
exten => _06.,5,Dial,CAPI/@0697746345:b${EXTEN}
exten => _06.,6,Hangup
exten => _06.,106,Busy

The asterisk version is:
Asterisk CVS-HEAD-08/04/04-14:19:45 built by root@GATEWAY2 on a i686 running Linux


The console log:
GATEWAY2*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
CAPI[contr3/0697746345]/1013  (demo       0697746345   1   )      Up Bridged Call  SIP/
SIP/  (post_pagato 069863607    5   )      Up Dial          CAPI/@0697746345:b069863607
CAPI[contr1/0697746343]/1012  (demo       0697746343   1   )      Up Bridged Call  SIP/
SIP/  (post_pagato 0641431      3   )      Up Dial          CAPI/@0697746343:b0641431
CAPI[contr1/0697746343]/1009  (demo       0697746343   1   )      Up Bridged Call  SIP/
SIP/  (post_pagato 069877596    3   )      Up Dial          CAPI/@0697746343:b069877596
CAPI[contr2/0697746344]/1004  (demo       0697746344   1   )      Up Bridged Call  SIP/
SIP/  (post_pagato 063016428    4   )      Up Dial          CAPI/@0697746344:b063016428
8 active channel(s)
Aug  5 09:08:00 WARNING[17383444]: channel.c:489 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided deadlock for 'CAPI[contr2/0697746344]/821', 10 retries!

GATEWAY2*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
0 active channel(s)
Aug  5 09:13:09 WARNING[17383444]: channel.c:466 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'CAPI[contr2/0697746344]/821', 10 retries!

GATEWAY2*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
0 active channel(s)
Aug  5 09:14:19 WARNING[17399822]: channel.c:466 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'CAPI[contr2/0697746344]/821', 10 retries!

GATEWAY2*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
0 active channel(s)
Aug  5 09:24:49 WARNING[17432590]: channel.c:466 ast_channel_walk_locked: Avoided initial deadlock for 'CAPI[contr2/0697746344]/821', 10 retries!

Now this machine don't receive call but the channel is always locked.
Comments:By: zoa (zoa) 2004-08-05 11:51:53

You might have to report this to the author of chan_capi. find him on: http://ns1.jnetdns.de/jn/relaunch/asterisk/ as chan_capi is not maintained by digium.

By: cybershield (cybershield) 2004-08-05 12:29:27

Sorry, thanks zoa.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-08-05 16:58:54

chan_capi is not part of Asterisk and is thus not supported through this bug tracker.  Perhaps there is a separate tracker for the chan_capi project?