
Summary:ASTERISK-02172: failed to reset conferencing
Reporter:zoa (zoa)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-08-02 03:15:26Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:11:28
Versions:Frequency of
Description:i'm using cvshead 31/07/2004.
I just found my servers giving strange warnings, although i'm not doing any conference calls on that server.

Restarting asterisk didnt help, reloading the zaptel and wct4xxp kernel modules didnt help either.

I didnt see this before moving to cvs of 31/7. (last cvs update i did was on 7/july).


   -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from yyyy, requested format = 2, actual format = 2
   -- Executing Dial("IAX2/xxxx@xxxx/16386", "ZAP/g1/3281589335") in new stack
   -- Called g1/3281589335
Aug  2 08:27:21 WARNING[2637842]: chan_zap.c:1137 reset_conf: Failed to reset conferencing on channel 2!
   -- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'
 == Spawn extension (qsdfsdf, 003281589335, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/qsdfqsfd@qsdqsdf/16386'
   -- Hungup 'IAX2/qsdfqsdf@qsdfqsdf/16386'
   -- Zap/1-1 answered IAX2/qsdfqsdf@qsdfqsdf/16385
   -- B-channel 0/2 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/3 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/4 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/5 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/6 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/7 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/8 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/9 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/10 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/11 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/12 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/13 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/14 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/15 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/17 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/18 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/19 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/20 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/21 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/22 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/23 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/24 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/25 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/26 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/27 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/28 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/29 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/30 successfully restarted on span 1
   -- B-channel 0/31 successfully restarted on span 1
Aug  2 08:30:21 WARNING[2621456]: chan_zap.c:1137 reset_conf: Failed to reset conferencing on channel 1!
   -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
 == Spawn extension (imro, 003242392897, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/xwcvwxcv@wxcvwxcv/16385'

It doesnt seem to happen on inbound calls.
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-08-02 09:24:38

This has already been fixed in CVS

By: zoa (zoa) 2004-08-02 09:46:48

kram, latest changes to chan_zap are from 30/07.

Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 16:37:03 -0500 (CDT)

Update of /usr/cvsroot/asterisk/channels
In directory localhost.localdomain:/tmp/cvs-serv1672/channels

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Reset conferencing on final hangup (bug ASTERISK-2143)

I'm running the cvs as of 31/07, a cvs update revealed no new updates on zaptel.

is cvs out of synch ?


By: zoa (zoa) 2004-08-02 10:56:29

I think this is the bug report you are talking about,

I think the patch made for this bug introduced the warnings i'm having now.
I'm not doing any meetme, but it wants to reset conferencing anyway.


By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-08-02 11:41:05

It was fixed this weekend in CVS.  When I say "It's fixed in CVS" please update to latest CVS before reopening a bug.