
Summary:ASTERISK-02046: pri channels lock after a few days, asterisk restart doesn't clear, needs zaptel restart
Reporter:Steve Hanselman (shanselman)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-07-17 15:56:43Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:37:48
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Te pri channels become locked, randomly going up/down according to the logs.
Unable to make inbound or outbound calls.
Restarting asterisk does not clear the fault.
A complee restart of zaptel (unloading and reloading the modules) is required.

This is on the latest CVS (CVS-HEAD-07/15/04-01:34:49) and a TE405P.  2 spans are active.


I have full intense debug logs for the pri's, these are currently huge, I will sift these, reduce them and see what can be seen before attaching these.
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-17 16:10:47

This is a technical support issue, not a bug, please pursue through support@digium.com.

By: Steve Hanselman (shanselman) 2004-07-17 17:11:53

No, on this basis all bugs will be technical support issues, I believe it is a zaptel source issue and I will investigate as such.

This will be a major problem if a pri channel can lock after a few days, it may be Telewest specific but in the UK they are a major enough provider towarrant this being properly resolved.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-17 17:12:46

What is the result of "dmesg" immediately following loading the wct4xxp module, specifically i'm looking for the register dump it provides.

By: Steve Hanselman (shanselman) 2004-07-17 17:18:05

Here's the output from the dmesg:-

TE410P version c01a009b
FALC version: 00000005, Board ID: 00
Reg 0: 0x1fdcf800
Reg 1: 0x1fdcf000
Reg 2: 0x07fc07fc
Reg 3: 0x00000000
Reg 4: 0x00000000
Reg 5: 0x00000000
Reg 6: 0xc01a009b
Reg 7: 0x00001f00
Reg 8: 0x00000000
Reg 9: 0x00ff0000
Reg 10: 0x00000000
TE410P: Launching card: 0
TE410P: Setting up global serial parameters
Found a Wildcard: Wildcard TE410P-Xilinx
Registered tone zone 4 (United Kingdom)
TE410P: Span 1 configured for CCS/HDB3/CRC4
SPAN 1: Primary Sync Source
TE410P: Span 2 configured for CCS/HDB3/CRC4

(Also, note it's a TE410P not a TE405P).


By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-17 17:25:01

I have no reason to suspect this is a software issue, especially provided that it requires a zaptel reload to make it go away.  

In any case, please respect our policies and take hardware related issues to the Digium support team first -- after all, hardware support is included free of charge with your card.  That is the proper place to start.

If for any reason you are unable to get the support you need from them, then you may find me on IRC or contact me personally in some other way.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-17 17:25:12

I have no reason to suspect this is a software issue, especially provided that it requires a zaptel reload to make it go away.  

In any case, please respect our policies and take hardware related issues to the Digium support team first -- after all, hardware support is included free of charge with your card.  That is the proper place to start.

If for any reason you are unable to get the support you need from them, then you may find me on IRC or contact me personally in some other way.