
Summary:ASTERISK-01939: Problem with transferring callers from the queue
Reporter:chadscott (chadscott)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-07-02 18:01:14Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:18
Versions:Frequency of
Description:This is a strange one, so let me know if you need more info.

This system is not in production yet, so all of what I'm about to describe is happening via SIP phones.

A caller dials a number, goes through an AGI I wrote, and is then dropped into the queue.  They hear all of the announcements as expected and is connected to the various agents as configured.

An agent, Mike, answers this call and says, "Oh you need to talk to Robert."  He then hits 'Transfer' on his phone, dials Robert's number, and then hits 'Transfer' again.  If he hits 'Transfer' before Robert answers, all parties are dropped.  If he waits until Robert answers, everything works as expected.  If Mike waits for voicemail to answer and then hits 'Transfer,' that results in all parties being dropped as well.

If the call does not come from the queue and instead is a direct-dial to Mike's extension, this always works as expected.  Hitting 'Transfer' prior to Robert answering results in silence for the transferred party and ringing on Robert's phone, dropping to voicemail, etc.


The SIP phones in question are X-Lite and two Polycom IP500s.  The X-Lite, of course, does not have a transfer button on the phone itself, so I'm transferring from the Polycoms.

I've tried Polycom to Polycom and X-Lite to Polycom and the results are the same.

I'm using the latest (well, checked out yesterday) CVS.

Thank you for taking a look at this... this is the only blocking issue at the moment keeping this system from being deployed.  You guys are doing a *fabulous* job... this is the best damn thing since sliced bread!
Comments:By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-07-02 18:06:25

we need more... you know how to use gdb?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-02 18:50:15

You should use # transfer in this situation instead of the SIP transfer button.  When you've got an agent setup, that agent is actually connected to the SIP channel so when you try to transfer it you're really trying to transfer your "AgentLogin" application.  If you want to be able to use SIP transfer you will have to use AddQueueMember/RemoveQueueMember.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-02 18:50:51

Please confirm that works for you so I can close this out.

By: chadscott (chadscott) 2004-07-07 16:31:10

Yes, this did indeed fix the issue.  I'm still working on a way to auto logout agents who do not answer that are logged in via this method.  Is this something that can be easily done within the Queue system itself?  I.e., when calling members set a timeout within the queue itself in addition to that in agents?

By: Malcolm Davenport (mdavenport) 2004-07-07 16:35:41
