
Summary:ASTERISK-01898: Manager originate command from SIP channel to ZAP channel fails
Reporter:marvinhorst (marvinhorst)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-06-25 16:10:31Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:15:28
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When using the manager to ORIGINATE a call on an SIP channel to a ZAP channel there seems to be a codec incompatability and the call fails. Occasionly it will succeed, but it is rare, usually after I haven't tried for some time. However a normal call (without the manager interface) from a SIP client to a ZAP client works great.


Asterisk CVS-HEAD-06/07/04

This is the console message:
Jun 25 09:41:26 WARNING[770069]: chan_sip.c:1718 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 4 (read/write = 4/4)

This is the manager command sent:
Action: Originate
Channel: SIP/ROGER
Callerid: <805@home>
Exten: 820
Context: home
Priority: 1

This is part of sip.conf:
callerid="roger" <805>

This is relevant sections of extensions.conf:
include => pbx_ext
include => dialout

exten => 820,1,Macro(ext,Zap/13)
exten => 805,1,Macro(ext,SIP/roger)

exten => s,5,Dial(${ARG1},20,TtC)

Comments:By: marvinhorst (marvinhorst) 2004-06-29 08:19:20

I should have mentioned that the originate command partially succeeds. The SIP phone rings and when you pick up it calls the ZAP phone. When you pick up the ringing ZAP phone the link dies and both phones give busy tone. Here are the manager events captured during this attempt.

-> Action: Originate
-> Channel: SIP/ROGER
-> Callerid: "805 Roger" <805@home>
-> Exten: 820
-> Context: home
-> Priority: 1

<- Event: Newchannel
<- Channel: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- State: Down
<- Callerid: <unknown>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513941.112

<- Event: Newcallerid
<- Channel: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- Callerid: "805 Roger" <805@home>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513941.112

<- Event: Newchannel
<- Channel: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- State: Ringing
<- Callerid: "805 Roger" <805@home>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513941.112
<- Event: Newstate
<- Channel: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- State: Up
<- Callerid: "805 Roger" <805@home>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513941.112

<- Response: Success
<- Message: Originate successfully queued

<- Event: Newexten
<- Channel: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- Context: home
<- Extension: 820
<- Priority: 1
<- Uniqueid: 1088513941.112

<- Event: Newchannel
<- Channel: Zap/13-1
<- State: Rsrvd
<- Callerid: "receptionist" <820>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513942.113

<- Event: Newstate
<- Channel: Zap/13-1
<- State: Ringing
<- Callerid: "805 Roger" <805@home>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513942.113

<- Event: Newstate
<- Channel: Zap/13-1
<- State: Up
<- Callerid: "805 Roger" <805@home>
<- Uniqueid: 1088513942.113

<- Event: Link
<- Channel1: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- Channel2: Zap/13-1
<- Uniqueid1: 1088513941.112
<- Uniqueid2: 1088513942.113

<- Event: Unlink
<- Channel1: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- Channel2: Zap/13-1
<- Uniqueid1: 1088513941.112
<- Uniqueid2: 1088513942.113

<- Event: Hangup
<- Channel: Zap/13-1
<- Uniqueid: 1088513942.113
<- Cause: 0

<- Event: Hangup
<- Channel: SIP/ROGER-aa65
<- Uniqueid: 1088513941.112
<- Cause: 1

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-06-29 09:30:25

Can you try to get a hold of me on IRC?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-07-01 18:41:43

Looks like 1960 has a more genearlized problem so I'm going to mark this as a dupe of it.