
Summary:ASTERISK-01786: Zap channel lockout for meetme initiated calls after hangup
Reporter:Matt Florell (mflorell)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-06-09 09:58:57Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:43:29
Versions:Frequency of
Description:After initiating a call out over a Zap channel from within a meetme room(using the following manager action:)

Action: Originate
Exten: 8600097          # this is the meetme room extension
Channel: Zap/g2/17275555135
Context: default
Priority: 1

The call is connected just fine, but when the call is disconnected from the meetme room, the Zap channel is locked out for any further calls in or out until you restart asterisk.

This is using yesterday's CVS (2004-06-09)

I upgraded this system from a March CVS where it was working just fine.
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-06-09 10:25:11

Please try again with this morning's CVS.  There were some locking issues that I think have been fixed.  If you still have the problem, please find me on IRC (kram, irc.freenode.net, #asterisk and #asterisk-bugs).

By: Matt Florell (mflorell) 2004-06-09 11:19:22

Nope, CVS from 11:55 2004-06-09 does the same thing. I'm going to try some older CVS's and let you know if I get it to work.

By: Matt Florell (mflorell) 2004-06-09 11:32:05

I tried CVS 2004-05-31 and still no luck, but here's a debug set of messages that I get upon Zap hangup:

Jun  9 12:13:01 WARNING[344083]: chan_zap.c:1251 zt_confmute: zt confmute(0) failed on channel 73: Bad file descriptor
Jun  9 12:13:01 WARNING[344083]: chan_zap.c:4215 restore_gains: Unable to restore gains: Bad file descriptor
Jun  9 12:13:01 WARNING[344083]: chan_zap.c:1903 zt_hangup: Unable to set law on channel 73 to default
Jun  9 12:13:01 WARNING[344083]: chan_zap.c:1234 zt_set_hook: zt hook failed: Bad file descriptor
Jun  9 12:13:01 WARNING[344083]: chan_zap.c:1961 zt_hangup: Unable to hangup line Zap/73-1
Jun  9 12:13:01 WARNING[344083]: chan_zap.c:1173 zt_disable_ec: Unable to disable echo cancellation on channel 73

And here are the debug errors I get when I try to call again on that Zap channel:

   -- Executing Dial("Local/78600097@demo-daef,1", "Zap/g2/17275555135|55") in new stack
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:5831 available: Unable to check hook state on channel 73
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:4056 zt_new: Unable to get parameters, assuming MULAW
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1251 zt_confmute: zt confmute(0) failed on channel 73: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1418 zt_call: Unable to flush input on channel 73
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1548 zt_call: Unable to start channel: Inappropriate ioctl for device
   -- Couldn't call g2/17275555135
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1251 zt_confmute: zt confmute(0) failed on channel 73: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:4215 restore_gains: Unable to restore gains: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1903 zt_hangup: Unable to set law on channel 73 to default
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1234 zt_set_hook: zt hook failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1961 zt_hangup: Unable to hangup line Zap/73-1
Jun  9 12:13:18 WARNING[540692]: chan_zap.c:1173 zt_disable_ec: Unable to disable echo cancellation on channel 73
   -- Hungup 'Zap/73-1'
 == Everyone is busy at this time
   -- Executing Congestion("Local/78600097@demo-daef,1", "") in new stack

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-06-09 11:34:15

Find me on IRC.  I really think this is fixed in CVS head, but I can login and look.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-06-09 15:47:33

Fixed in CVS