
Summary:ASTERISK-01757: [Request] The hability to do options while liscening to voicemail
Reporter:mochouinard (mochouinard)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-06-03 22:21:26Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:13
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) voicemailOpts.patch
Description:Beable to for example press 7 to automaticly delete the message. or 6 to skip to the next message without having to liscening to it completly
Comments:By: dwildes (dwildes) 2004-06-04 23:43:43

I attached a voicemailOpts patch to include the following options back into the app_voicemail program:

6)  Skip to next message while playing
4)  Go back to previous message while playing
7)  Delete message while playing.

I've already filed out an agreement form, so if you want to integrate this - please do so.  I've had several requests for this from clients as well.


By: dwildes (dwildes) 2004-06-05 09:51:58

If this file doesn't suit your needs, please let me know.
I'm closing this request since the patch will fix it.