
Summary:ASTERISK-01580: Taiwan indications.conf
Reporter:jimkou (jimkou)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-05-10 04:56:46Date Closed:2008-01-15 14:54:51.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) indications.conf.txt
( 1) indications.conf.txt
; °Ñ¦Ò¸ê®Æ :
; http://nemesis.lonestar.org/reference/telecom/signaling/dialtone.html
; http://nemesis.lonestar.org/reference/telecom/signaling/busy.html
; http://www.iproducts.com.tw/ee/kylink/06ky-1000a.htm
; http://www.pbx-manufacturer.com/ky120dx.htm
; http://www.nettwerked.net/tones.txt
; http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/tel_pswt/vco_prod/taiw_sup/taiw2.htm
; ¸ß°Ý¤¤µØ¹q«H«á±o¨ìªº¦^ÂÐ :
; dial tone 350+440Hz continuous
; busy tone 480+620Hz 0.5 sec. on ,0.5 sec. off
; reorder tone 480+620Hz 0.25 sec. on,0.25 sec. off
; ringing tone 440+480Hz 1 sec. on ,2 sec. off
description = Taiwan
alias = tw
ringcadance = 1000,4000
dial = 350+440
busy = 480+620/500,0/500
ring = 440+480/1000,0/2000
congestion = 2400/1000,0/1000
callwaiting = 350+440/250,0/250,350+440/250,0/3250
dialrecall = 300/1500,0/500
record = 1400/500,0/15000
info = !950/330,!1400/330,!1800/330,0
Comments:By: jimkou (jimkou) 2004-05-12 08:49:08

sorry! the congestion should change to 480+620/250,0/250

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-12 15:00:15

Can you please attach a cvs diff -u  Thanks!

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-13 15:48:01

lol!  i meant the whole thing :)

By: jimkou (jimkou) 2004-05-13 20:39:05

oops! :p

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-15 23:41:46

Merged in CVS

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 14:54:51.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 2974

U   trunk/channels/chan_sip.c
U   trunk/configs/indications.conf.sample

r2974 | markster | 2008-01-15 14:54:51 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

Add Taiwan support (bug ASTERISK-1580)

