
Summary:ASTERISK-01331: Dlink DVG1120s fails to register after 1 week operation
Reporter:z_smurf (z_smurf)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-04-02 14:07:56.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:07
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) dlink-bug.txt
Description:After one week operation, the dlink DVG1120s fails to register, and becomes unreacheable. Restart of DVG1120s solves the problem.

Using sip debug shows what goes wrong. The question is if it is Asterisk och the DVG1120s that misbehaves.


When a sipdevice registers the following must happen to make asterisk happy:
1) Phone sends a register
2) Asterisk responds "Proxy Authentication Required" and supplies a string "nonce"
3) Phone sends a new register, including the nonce that asterisk sent in 2) above. It also sends the password encrypted.
4) Asterisk uses the nonce from 2) and the password from 3) and compares. If it matches, all is OK.

What happens with the DBG1120s after 1 week of successful operation is as follows:

1) Phone sends a register
2) Asterisk responds "Proxy Authentication Required" and supplies a string "nonce"
3) Phone sends a new register, including a nonce that was sent long time ago. It also sends the password encrypted with this nonce.
4) Asterisk uses the nonce from 2) and the password from 3) and compares. This time, it wont match, and the phone wont register.

Please see attached file of a sip-debug for both a unsuccessful register and a successful register by the same phone.
Comments:By: twisted (twisted) 2004-04-02 23:38:26.000-0600

It appears to me this is a D-Link issue, as * allows register when the D-Link responds to the correct nonce.  I have not noticed this to be an issue with any Cisco Products, nor the grandstream devices.

If restarting the device helps, Usually, the problem is with the device.  Check to see if there is newer firmware for the device, or possibly contact the vendor.

Unless someone tells me I'm completely wrong here, this bug will be closed.

By: z_smurf (z_smurf) 2004-04-03 04:22:05.000-0600

Yes, this is a clear case that the d-link suddenly behaves differently that it did before.

But - maybe the dlink is acting correctly by not accepting all the new nonce-strings that asterisk comes up with? I mean, if the nonce-string is used as a key when crypting the password, it might be easier for a hacker to find out the secret password by flooding different noncenses to the dlink?

By: z_smurf (z_smurf) 2004-04-05 03:34:37

Close this bug.

I just saw that the CSeq: in the log was the same all over...
A definite proof that its the dlink faulting, not Asterisk.

By: twisted (twisted) 2004-04-05 06:00:41

closed per reporter.  equipment fault, not * bug.