
Summary:ASTERISK-01250: Dial App is not working when trying to forward to an external Number
Reporter:gclark (gclark)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-03-20 02:50:49.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:10:21
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) ext-conf.txt
( 1) extensions.conf
( 2) zapata.conf
Description:When trying to use exten => 400,1,Dial(Zap/g2/{$CELL}).  Fails to generate call.  Configuration was working about 3 Weeks ago. Until upgrading to latest CVS-03/20/04-00:18:33.  Have tried running Asterisk 0.7.2, and latest Zaptel & Zapata.
Comments:By: James Golovich (jamesgolovich) 2004-03-20 04:06:01.000-0600

You say you are using this:
try using ${CELL} instead

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-03-20 10:46:02.000-0600

Excuse me it was late when I created this... I actually using...

exten => 401,1,Dial(Zap/g2/${GCELL:${TRUNKMSD}})

But it still does not work... When you call into the extension and goes to dial out it looks like it is dialing out but * calls the person who is making the call.

So basically User A makes a call from his/her cell, then enters ext. 401, * then dial's out but instead of connecting to GCELL it dials back User A. User A gets the same result from any phone.

By: James Golovich (jamesgolovich) 2004-03-20 14:33:53.000-0600

Can you try without the variable substiution to eliminate that as a poisslb ecause.  Can you include any console error messages that your getting in verbose mode

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-03-20 18:49:50.000-0600

You will see below that it looks like it is calling out the Zap Channel - but again * just calls the user back who is making the call and when you see the call bridged - it is my voicemail picking up on my home phone.. It is very strange behavior.

And the Extension File looks as follows ---

exten => 401,1,Dial(Zap/g2/7046223905)

[root@tnepbx asterisk]# asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
 == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf': Found
Asterisk 0.7.2, Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Digium.
Written by Mark Spencer <markster@digium.com>
Connected to Asterisk 0.7.2 currently running on tnepbx (pid = 994)
   -- Remote UNIX connection
   -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
   -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack
   -- Executing Goto("Zap/1-1", "TNE-SG|s|1") in new stack
   -- Goto (TNE-SG,s,1)
   -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack
   -- Executing BackGround("Zap/1-1", "tne-main-thanks") in new stack
   -- Playing 'tne-main-thanks' (language 'en')
 == CDR updated on Zap/1-1
   -- Executing Dial("Zap/1-1", "Zap/g2/7046223905") in new stack
   -- Called g2/7046223905
   -- Zap/2-1 answered Zap/1-1
   -- Attempting native bridge of Zap/1-1 and Zap/2-1
   -- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'
 == Spawn extension (TNE-SG, 401, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'
   -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
   -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/1-1'
   -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack
   -- Executing Goto("Zap/1-1", "TNE-SG|s|1") in new stack
   -- Goto (TNE-SG,s,1)
   -- Executing Answer("Zap/1-1", "") in new stack
   -- Executing BackGround("Zap/1-1", "tne-main-thanks") in new stack
   -- Playing 'tne-main-thanks' (language 'en')
 == CDR updated on Zap/1-1
   -- Executing Dial("Zap/1-1", "Zap/g2/7046223905") in new stack
   -- Called g2/7046223905
   -- Zap/2-1 answered Zap/1-1
   -- Attempting native bridge of Zap/1-1 and Zap/2-1
   -- Hungup 'Zap/2-1'
 == Spawn extension (TNE-SG, 401, 1) exited non-zero on 'Zap/1-1'
   -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
tnepbx*CLI> exit

By: James Golovich (jamesgolovich) 2004-03-21 03:47:25.000-0600

I'm not able to make much of this without more info.  Can you attach your zapata.conf and describe what your setup is?

If you want to try for a quick fix, try upgrading to the CVS stable release.  There have been many bugfixes and your problem might already have been solved

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-03-21 12:27:41.000-0600


channel => 1-6

It's a very simple setup, all Cisco 7940 SIP Phones on the inside.  1 T1 bringing 6 voice channels to the * Server.  We need to be able to do two things.  1 - Transfer our phones out to our Cell Phones and 2 - Use the AgentCallBackLogin feature.  I have both of these setup and it fails when trying to forward out to an outside number.

If it will help, I can attach a copy of the extensions file.

By: James Golovich (jamesgolovich) 2004-03-26 01:59:15.000-0600

Did you get a chance to try the CVS stable version?  If so and you are still having problems can you get ahold of one of the bug marshals on irc to work on this issue.

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-03-26 16:56:23.000-0600

I tried stable asterisk, but did not do anything for me at all... Same problem.  And I will try and get ahold of one of the bug marshals.

By: sbisker (sbisker) 2004-04-08 10:07:49

Have you tried dialing exten 401 from the inside to see if it works.  If not, this dial string my be your problem.

exten => 401,1,Dial(Zap/g2/7046223905) without any varialbles.

If this doesn't go through, then your extensions.conf is the problem.

I have v1.0 stable CVS 0.7.1, 0.7.2 working with a similar config with no problems.

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-04-08 16:52:55

Yes.. I can dial this from the inside with out any problems....

I am wondering I was running Fedora Core 1 with this setup and it worked, but when I moved it to a RedHat 7.3 box.. It stopped working... Could there be a difference there?  Kernel?

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-04-08 17:54:06

OK i tested this today on my slackware box it works just fine...


By: sbisker (sbisker) 2004-04-09 10:15:18

If it works from the inside, then your problem lies with your dialplan.  Possibly context related.  What do you have setup for your default extensions i.e. s,i,t, etc?  Could you post your zapata.conf?

Also, you some circular logic in your extensions.conf.  You include 411 from default and then include default from 411. Just FYI.

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-04-09 17:08:26

Ok I have posted my zapata.conf and extension.conf files for review....

Just keep in mind I have 4 companies sitting behind the asterisk server....

The context I belong to is anything (TNE)

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-04-09 22:18:09

It sounds to me as though the ANI and DNIS configuration might be backwards for your line.  Does your Caller*ID work properly?

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-04-11 16:55:45

Caller ID works fine inbound and outbound.... When you say ANI and DNIS config might me backwards for my line.. Can you explain that statement a little more.  


If I make a outbound call I see the main number assigned to that trunk group.

And if I receive a call I see the number of the person of who is calling me...

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2004-04-11 17:20:48

Just a thought, but might your telco have changed the line to require an E.164 number on the line?  i.e. instead of dialling 7046223905, try dialling 17046223905.

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-04-13 14:36:24

Tried that... but still I having the same problem...

I know I asked this before but is asterisk doing anything different that would care if I am running on different kernel version.. Example this worked when I was running Fedora 1 but now that I am running RedHat 7.3 it does not work...

Any thoughts.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-04-17 16:28:45

This isn't the problem he thinks it is... he is using featd signalling.  He is going to try a few things and get back with us.

By: gclark (gclark) 2004-04-17 21:14:39

After working with bkw (which I might ad he is AWESOME).  Anyway - after changing signaling from featd to em_w.  And modifying how the call gets answered/routed with StripMSD & StripLSD.  This feature is working for me.  

Thank you to everyone who assisted me with this.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-04-17 22:17:57

Just a configuration issue...