
Summary:ASTERISK-01169: asterisk in deadlock if enable overlap in the span
Reporter:cybershield (cybershield)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-03-06 17:11:32.000-0600Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:54:38
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I have a one E400. Receive the call in overlap from public carrier in one E1 euroisdn. Enable overlap in chan_zap adding in zapata.conf this row 'overlapdial=yes'. Often this span blocks and it does not receive more calls...but...I can continue a receive the telephones in voip and remaining span of the card E400 (only 1 span receive call in overlap). When the span is block...i can not stop asterisk...in the CLI if write 'stop now' it does not happen null. For close asterisk request command shell 'killall -sKILL asterisk'.
I have noticed that when span is blocked i have one call with the state is 'Ring'.


From public carrier receive always first 6 digit of called number. In the extension i use this script:

exten => _0XXXXX,1,SetVar(prefixnumber=${EXTEN})
exten => _0XXXXX,2,Goto(overlap|s|1)

exten => s,1,DigitTimeout(2)
exten => _X,1,SetVar(number=${PREFIXNUMBER}${EXTEN})
exten => _X,2,Dial(Zap/g2/${NUMBER})
exten => _XX,1,SetVar(number=${PREFIXNUMBER}${EXTEN})
exten => _XX,2,Dial(Zap/g2/${NUMBER})
exten => _XXX,1,SetVar(number=${PREFIXNUMBER}${EXTEN})
exten => _XXX,2,Dial(Zap/g2/${NUMBER})
exten => _XXXX,1,SetVar(number=${PREFIXNUMBER}${EXTEN})
exten => _XXXX,2,Dial(Zap/g2/${NUMBER})

With this script can call people with 7,8,9,10 digit
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-03-06 23:48:24.000-0600

I'm going to have to be able to login and attach with gdb when the machine is in a stuck state.  Please find me on IRC (irc.freenode.net in #asterisk, kram)

By: cybershield (cybershield) 2004-03-09 13:57:17.000-0600

News: when the channel in overlap is block all the calls in course is freeze (remain however active). If use the command 'show channel xxxx' in the keyword 'blocking in' is write: '(Not Blocked)' instead of the usual 'ast_waitfor_nandfds'.

markster: For locking the problem in the my machine request multilogin in ssh ... the asterisk machine not have public ip. When I can find to you on IRC?

By: cybershield (cybershield) 2004-03-11 05:10:47.000-0600

when the channel is blocked in the log files 'message' is written:
messages:Mar  5 17:11:30 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 15 with owner
messages:Mar  8 11:33:10 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 3 with owner
messages:Mar  8 11:33:11 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 9 with owner
messages:Mar  9 12:34:13 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 5 with owner
messages:Mar  9 12:34:13 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 6 with owner
messages:Mar  9 12:34:13 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 9 with owner
messages:Mar  9 12:34:13 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 12 with owner
messages:Mar 10 13:42:52 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 1 with owner
messages:Mar 10 13:42:52 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 2 with owner
messages:Mar 10 13:42:52 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 10 with owner
messages:Mar 10 13:42:52 WARNING[106510]: Got restart ack on channel 12 with owner

Asterisk is update with last version of CVS

By: jjanzer (jjanzer) 2004-03-15 14:46:46.000-0600

This sounds similar to the bug I am having: 1202. When you get this are calls still coming in but are given a busy signal or similar error?

If this happens again, can you find the thread/process causing the problem attach to it with gdb (note that it will halt all running of asterisk until you disconnect) and run a 'bt full'? I am curious to see if you are locking up in the same spot I am.

Also are you using Music On Hold?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-03-16 12:11:34.000-0600

Fixed in CVS