
Summary:ASTERISK-01124: [patch] ChanIsAvailable gets into a loop when having wrong args
Reporter:geertn (geertn)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-02-29 07:54:25.000-0600Date Closed:2008-01-15 14:45:03.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) app_chanisavail.diff
Description:exten => 313,1,ChanisAvail()
exten => 313,2,Macro(dial,SIP/geert2)

Dialing 313 gets a loop:
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])
Feb 29 13:39:03 WARNING[17426]: app_chanisavail.c:79 chanavail_exec: ChanIsAvail argument takes format ([technology]/[device])

I attached a patch which I think corrects the problem.

- It returns -1 instead of continueing
- It's output is not only for zap channels but also for sip and iax (at leat this works here)
Comments:By: James Golovich (jamesgolovich) 2004-02-29 13:42:19.000-0600

Fixed in CVS.  Thanks

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 14:45:02.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 2277

U   trunk/apps/app_chanisavail.c

r2277 | citats | 2008-01-15 14:45:02 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

Fix app_chanisavail if there are invalid arguments (bug ASTERISK-1124)



By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 14:45:03.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 2278

U   branches/v1-0_stable/apps/app_chanisavail.c

r2278 | citats | 2008-01-15 14:45:02 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

Fix app_chanisavail if there are invalid arguments (bug ASTERISK-1124)

