
Summary:ASTERISK-01055: PRI error and warnings
Reporter:Tomica Crnek (tcrnek)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-02-19 06:40:05.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:04:57
Versions:Frequency of
Description:The PRI E1 zap is reporting errors and warnings. Calls drop.


I have TE410P with one E1 port connected to PSTN and other to local PBX. Last 2 ports I don't use.

From time to time I get this WARNINGS
Feb 19 12:15:36 WARNING[1209277232]: chan_zap.c:5949 zt_pri_error: PRI: Read on 86 failed: Unknown error 500
PRI got event: 6
Feb 19 12:15:36 WARNING[1217669936]: chan_zap.c:5949 zt_pri_error: PRI: Read on 87 failed: Unknown error 500
PRI got event: 6

Also, from time to time I see that something is happening with E1 d-channel. In this moment I get lot of this messages:
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
 == D-Channel on span 1 up
 == D-Channel on span 2 up
In this moment all established calls drop. New calls can not be established. It lasts for seconds up to minute after which time Asterisk resets all b-channels and everything is back again.

I have played a little with timing parameter in zaptel.conf but didn't find it better if it is set to 1 (get sync from PSTN) or to 0.

If I open zttool in both cases if timing is set to 1 or to 0 it says that it is using internal clock.
Comments:By: Tomica Crnek (tcrnek) 2004-02-19 06:57:31.000-0600

This is the report from zttool for one of E1 links. What about these IRQ misses? Could here be a problem? How can it be solved?

Current Alarms:     No alarms.
Sync Source:        Internally clocked
IRQ Misses:             199
Bipolar Viol:             0
Tx/Rx Levels:         0/  0
Total/Conf/Act:      31/ 31/  0
TxA -------------------------------
TxB -------------------------------
TxC -------------------------------
TxD -------------------------------
RxA -------------------------------
Zapata Telephony Interfaces
RxA -------------------------------
RxB -------------------------------
RxC -------------------------------
RxD -------------------------------

By: zoa (zoa) 2004-02-19 07:50:11.000-0600

thats a lot of irq misses, when was the last reboot ?
(Is that 199 misses in 1 day or in 1 year ?)

I've seen something similar in the past, if you have this on 1 pri, the other 3 might also go down.

By: Tomica Crnek (tcrnek) 2004-02-19 07:52:11.000-0600

Since yesterday afternoon. Is it a hardware problem?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-03-05 10:11:48.000-0600

This looks to me like a channel alignment issue.  I think he needs a new TE410P with a good load on it.  Please contact digium support and let them know you have a TE410P with the "channel alignment" problem.