
Summary:ASTERISK-01041: [patch] video format description bug into an INVITE message
Reporter:fgilli (fgilli)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-02-17 05:25:45.000-0600Date Closed:2008-01-15 14:45:06.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) MSN2CallMSN1.txt
Description:You can use MSN V5.0 to make a video call (you need windows XP).
The Video doesn't work because there is a bug into SIP.
The INVITE message between MSN1 and Asterisk has:
m=video 5006 RTP/AVP 34
a=rtpmap:34 H263/90000

But the INVITE message between Asterisk and MSN2 has:
m=video 19172 RTP/AVP
(the message is truncated)

The bug is in chan_sip.c into add_sdp() function:
/*Now send any other common codecs, and non-codec formats:*/
for (x = 1; x <= AST_FORMAT_MAX_AUDIO; x <<= 1) {....}

must be replace by
for (x = 1; x <= AST_FORMAT_MAX_VIDEO; x <<= 1) {....}


With this patch you can now make a video call between 2 msn, or msn and other SIP visiophones...
Comments:By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2004-02-17 12:58:24.000-0600

Could you please attache a full SIP DEBUG of the INVITES?

By: fgilli (fgilli) 2004-02-18 04:39:49.000-0600

Here is the full SIP debug.

Note that the bug is here: (chan_sip.c / add_sdp() function)

for (x = 1; x <= AST_FORMAT_MAX_AUDIO; x <<= 1) {
if ((p->jointcapability & x) && !(alreadysent & x)) {
if (sipdebug)
ast_verbose("Answering with capability %d\n", x);
codec = ast_rtp_lookup_code(p->rtp, 1, x);
if (codec > -1) {
snprintf(costr, sizeof(costr), " %d", codec);
strncat(m, costr, sizeof(m) - strlen(m));
snprintf(costr, sizeof(costr), "a=rtpmap:%d %s/8000\r\n", codec, ast_rtp_lookup_mime_subtype(1, x));
strncat(a, costr, sizeof(a) - strlen(a));
} else {
strncat(m2, costr, sizeof(m2) - strlen(m2));
snprintf(costr, sizeof(costr), "a=rtpmap:%d %s/90000\r\n", codec, ast_rtp_lookup_mime_subtype(1, x));
strncat(a2, costr, sizeof(a2) - strlen(a2));

Can't deals with video codec because the en of the loop is AST_FORMAT_MAX_AUDIO.
So, it must be replace by :

for (x = 1; x <= AST_FORMAT_MAX_VIDEO; x <<= 1) {
if ((p->jointcapability & x) && !(alreadysent & x)) {
if (sipdebug)
ast_verbose("Answering with capability %d\n", x);
codec = ast_rtp_lookup_code(p->rtp, 1, x);
if (codec > -1) {
snprintf(costr, sizeof(costr), " %d", codec);
strncat(m, costr, sizeof(m) - strlen(m));
snprintf(costr, sizeof(costr), "a=rtpmap:%d %s/8000\r\n", codec, ast_rtp_lookup_mime_subtype(1, x));
strncat(a, costr, sizeof(a) - strlen(a));
} else {
strncat(m2, costr, sizeof(m2) - strlen(m2));
snprintf(costr, sizeof(costr), "a=rtpmap:%d %s/90000\r\n", codec, ast_rtp_lookup_mime_subtype(1, x));
strncat(a2, costr, sizeof(a2) - strlen(a2));

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-02-23 10:56:36.000-0600

Did you enabled video in your sip.conf with:

in [general] ?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-02-27 02:21:56.000-0600

Also, did you allow the h263 video codec with allow => h263 ?

By: z_smurf (z_smurf) 2004-02-27 06:30:08.000-0600

Markster: I think this is a clear case. This must be a bug.

fgilli found that the for-loop is wrong. Read his Description again.

By: fgilli (fgilli) 2004-03-01 10:53:14.000-0600

I confirm that:
and all codec are enable.

As z_smurf said this is a clear case:
"if (x < AST_FORMAT_MAX_AUDIO)" can't be true if the for-loop end with AST_FORMAT_MAX_AUDIO

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-03-01 11:25:08.000-0600

Okay, this wouldn't be an issue had you explicitly done:


but because you did


it is an issue.  I've put in a fix that should work with both videosupport=yes and videosupport=no.

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 14:45:06.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 2282

U   branches/v1-0_stable/channel.c
U   branches/v1-0_stable/channels/chan_sip.c

r2282 | markster | 2008-01-15 14:45:06 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

Handle video formats properly when allow=all (bug ASTERISK-1041)

