
Summary:ASTERISK-01038: Logger Problem
Reporter:bfranks (bfranks)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-02-16 17:16:40.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:11:54
Versions:Frequency of
Description:The logger portion of * seems to die regularly.  It will work great for an undetermined time and then just stop logging.  Typically it will stop logging in the middle of writing to the messages file.  I have this happening on two different servers using CVS version CVS-01/18/04-12:30:42 on Server A and CVS-01/12/04-19:48:50 on Server B.  The logger will not come active again until Asterisk automatically (or I force it) to do a logger reload.

Server A has a T100P card, and Server B has two X100P cards.

Both are IDE (30GB) drives and are running RH9.


Feb 10 09:38:48 NOTICE[1184048960]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb 10 09:52:21 NOTICE[1209214400]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb 10 10:29:04 WARNING[1082793152]: Select retured error: Interrupted system call
Feb 10 10:29:04 WARNING[1082793152]: Select retured error: Interrupted syst

As you can see the last portion of the log is not completed and it will not log any more events until a reload on the logger is done.  That portion was from Server A.

Serve B has similar circumstances.  

Feb  3 09:44:11 NOTICE[1175660480]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb  3 10:21:51 NOTICE[1175660480]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb  3 10:26:22 NOTICE[1175660480]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb  3 10:40:49 NOTICE[1175660480]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb  3 10:56:58 NOTICE[1175660480]: Fax detected, but no fax extension
Feb  3 11:04:26 NOTICE[11

The same thing happens, but with a different error message.  Normally I would look at Server A as having a problem witht he System Interrupt Error, but this happens on Server B with a Fax Detected notice.

I should also note that the disk usage is less than 1% and CPU usage never goes above 20% and memory used is very low.

Not using MOH or anything either.
Comments:By: bfranks (bfranks) 2004-02-16 17:18:17.000-0600

I should also paste logger.conf:

; Format is "filename" and then "levels" of debugging to be included:
;    debug
;    notice
;    warning
;    error
; Special filename "console" represents the system console
;debug => debug
console => notice,warning,error
;console => notice,warning,error,debug
messages => notice,warning,error

By: zoa (zoa) 2004-02-25 06:17:47.000-0600

is asterisk hanging when this happens ?

(can you make new calls ?)

I think this is related to a bug in the DSP routines, which got fixed now.
Do you still have this problem in latest cvs ?

By: bfranks (bfranks) 2004-02-25 17:16:26.000-0600

Asterisk does not hang when this occurs.  In fact both of my systems do it and work fine, they just don't log anything.

Will try to update to latest CVS.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-02-26 15:06:10.000-0600

Please update us so we know if this is fixed or not so we can resolve it or continue working on it.


By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-04-10 06:56:11

No response from reporter closing for now.