
Summary:ASTERISK-00979: [request + files] Weather/Automation/APRS words and phrases for Allison
Reporter:robf (robf)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-02-02 16:19:05.000-0600Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:17:32
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) allison-7.tar.gz
( 1) allison-7.txt
( 2) sounds-extra.diff
( 3) wishlist.txt
Description:I'm developing a list of words & phrases that would be useful for weather, home automation, and APRS applications.  I'm attaching my current list.  I don't think I included any words or phrases that are already in 'asterisk' or 'asterisk-sounds' in CVS.  Open to suggestions...
Comments:By: Michael Van Donselaar (mvand) 2004-02-02 22:05:30.000-0600

"Do you have any idea what <emph> time </emph> it is?"

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2004-02-04 17:58:09.000-0600

"At the sound of the tone, the time will be exactly"

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-02-06 00:15:38.000-0600

mvand: its asterisk time.. thats what time it is! :P

By: flavour (flavour) 2004-02-16 11:51:31.000-0600

if you know the
that you require
it now
to collect voicemail
to join a meeting
accessible through this system
starting with either
office code
speak to the operator

I've cut these from other samples, but they don't sound very good, so clean ones would be great:

edited on: 03-04-04 11:54

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2004-02-16 12:14:44.000-0600

In relation to bug ASTERISK-1020 :

"No empty conferences currently exist."
"You are entering conference number "

By: screel (screel) 2004-02-18 18:46:03.000-0600

"An error has occured"

By: hwstar (hwstar) 2004-02-18 21:54:51.000-0600

For caller ID announce in voicemail (see bug 156):


By: screel (screel) 2004-02-23 13:47:22.000-0600

Call Forwarding
on busy
on no answer
Do not disturb
error number

By: robl (robl) 2004-02-25 11:09:00.000-0600

"Uh oh!"  (in a cutesy, Teletubbie's like voice)

"has been brutally murdered and mutilated by the Teletubbies. "

edited on: 02-25-04 09:59

By: robf (robf) 2004-02-25 17:27:58.000-0600

"To request a wakeup call..."
"To confirm a wakeup call..."
"To cancel a wakeup call..."

"Enter a time using 4 digits.  Start with a zero for hours less than ten."  (this one could be worded better -- suggestions?)

"Press 1 for A.M, or 2 for P.M." (could piece this together from other parts, I guess)

"You have requested a wakeup call for..."

"You have not requested a wakeup call."

"Your wakeup call has been cancelled."

edited on: 03-04-04 11:50

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2004-03-04 00:36:16.000-0600

Sent out a request to -users for submissions for new recordings.  Money accepted via PayPal to jtodd@loligo.com - see list posting for details.  Monday is target date for transmission to Allison.

By: thought (thought) 2004-03-04 07:30:44.000-0600

"Thank you for your cooperation."
"The computer is your friend."
"Asterisk is your friend."
"A man walks into a bar, sits down and .. welcome to Comedian Mail."
"You have dialled the wrong number."
"This is not the extension you are looking for."
"Please hold while we try to connect you."
"We're all busy with our hangovers."
"All lines are full of complaining customers."

By: mjohnston (mjohnston) 2004-03-04 10:50:20.000-0600

"If you have a rotary phone, please stay on the line after the menu."
"Thank you for calling."
"Please listen carefully to the following system status message."

To allow voicemail or callback on a full queue (extends the existing single message):
"All of our representatives are currently busy."
"Please leave a message after the tone and a representative will contact you as soon as possible."
"Please stay on the line and your call will be answered by the next available representative."
"To be called back when a representative is available, press--" "--now".

General info collection:
"Please enter your ten-digit telephone number, area code first." (goes with the previous 'to be called back' message)
"Please enter your--"
"--digit account number, skipping any punctuation, followed by the pound key."

By: robf (robf) 2004-03-04 12:28:47.000-0600

A full list of:
"Press 1"
"Press 2"
"Press star"
"Press pound"
(I know these can be build with vm-press and separate digits, so prioritize these low, but I think they would sound better in a lot of cases)

"For a wakeup call..."
"Wakeup call"
"This is your wakeup call."
"To snooze for 5 minutes..."
"To snooze for 10 minutes..."
"To snooze for 15 minutes..."
"To snooze for..."

edited on: 03-04-04 11:45

By: mjohnston (mjohnston) 2004-03-04 12:45:05.000-0600


We already have "for accounting", "for billing", and "for technical support" recorded - what about following that scheme, and using the existing numbers?  The files would be broken up like this:

"To snooze for 5 minutes" "press" "1"
"For 10 minutes" "press" "2"

That saves re-recording each digit with 'press' before it.

By: robf (robf) 2004-03-04 12:55:50.000-0600

Ok, so put it low on the priority list, but I think it would be handy to have -- it would flow more smoothly, and it would be quicker.

I'll modify the note above to reflect a broken-up snooze message, rather than one long one...

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2004-03-04 13:59:19.000-0600

Note that "four" "ten" "minutes" are already all recorded.  Note also that as GSM files have no headers, you can concatenate them to produce single files of
phrases, e.g.:

cat digits/4.gsm digits/10.gsm loligo/minutes.gsm > for10minutes.gsm

So you really only need "press" and "snooze".

By: digger_one (digger_one) 2004-03-04 14:39:05.000-0600

I would like to see "minus" be added (for us living with Celcius degrees and cold winters).

By: cloos (cloos) 2004-03-04 15:12:14.000-0600

"For english, press"

or perhaps:

"To continue in english, press"

is better.

I presume the equiv in other langs would be best done by whomever is doing the rest of the recordings in said lang, yes?

By: Tilghman Lesher (tilghman) 2004-03-04 15:45:51.000-0600

In regards to "minus", note that we already have "negative".  Is that close enough?  If not, suppose we get "plus", "times", "divided by", and "equals" at the same time.  ;-)  And maybe we go _really_ off the deep end and get sine, cosine, tangent, square root, log, natural log, exponent, and factorial?

Using the phone system as a calculator.  Isn't that sick?  ;-)

By: screel (screel) 2004-03-05 12:16:44.000-0600

"to extension" (as in: unconditional call forwarding enabled to extension 123)
"That feature is not available on this line"
[Press X] "to hear the current announcement"
[Press X] "to rerecord this announcement"
[Press X] "to enable this announcement"
[Press X] "to disable this announcement"
"To save this announcement, press pound"
"To rerecord this announcement, press star"
[John Doe] "is not available" (yes, I need this different than the pre-existing is-curntly-unavail)
[Press X] "to leave a message"
[Press X] "to return to the main menu"
[Press X] "to reach the main office"
[Extension X] "has been changed to" [Extension Y]

By: digger_one (digger_one) 2004-03-05 12:42:36.000-0600

Negative is not close enough. "Ten degrees minus" sounds better. :)

By: mplsejo (mplsejo) 2004-03-05 13:43:33.000-0600

Some of these might already be out there, but here's the list of prompts I need for my current projects in the works now. I think you have most of the weather stuff I'll be using, but I added maybe a couple of prompts.

Your account
has been
on your monthly telephone statement
Information about your last call
has been flagged for retrvial by law enforcement officials
Law enforcement officials may request this information
the next
The number you have dialed
the new number is
has been changed to
has been disconnected
is no longer in service
has been temporarialy disconnected
at the customers request
has been reassigned in another areacode
please try area code
has not yet been assigned
calls are being taken by
no further information is available about this number
We're sorry,
your call
 can not be completed as dialed
  please check the number and dial again
All circuits are busy now
please try your call again later
A charge for this service
For the weather
telephone number
zip code
international call
please try
directory assistance

By: barton (barton) 2004-03-05 19:44:38.000-0600

If you know the extension of the party you wish to reach, dial it now.

To access our company directory, dial 411 or dial zero to leave a message in our general mailbox.

Please continue to hold or dial zero to leave a message in our general mailbox.

Call Forward

Do Not Disturb

The current time is

Thank you for calling

By: nick (nick) 2004-03-05 19:56:10.000-0600

The number is
You are not authorized for this service
We're sorry, but this system is presently down for maintenance (or something generic like that)
Federal law prohibits the unauthorized use of a telecommunications service

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2004-03-10 12:50:30.000-0600

Sounds are back from Allison this morning; I have yet to chop them up and convert to GSM but that should be hopefully today or tomorrow.

This is the list that finally went out to her, after edits (the parts labelled "guitar solo" are not actually played):

Do you have any idea what <emph> time </emph> it is?
At the sound of the tone, the time will be exactly
if you know the
that you require
it now
to collect voicemail
to join a meeting
accessible through this system
starting with either
office code
speak to the operator
No empty conferences currently exist.
You are entering conference number
An error has occured.
Call forwarding
on busy
on no answer
Do not disturb
error number
Uh oh!  [in a cutesy, Teletubbie's like voice]
has been brutally murdered and mutilated by the Teletubbies.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The computer is your friend.
Asterisk is your friend.
A man walks into a bar, sits down and ... welcome to Comedian Mail!
You have dialed the wrong number.
This is not the extension you are looking for.
Please hold while we try to connect you.
We're all busy with our hangovers.
All lines are full of complaining customers.
If you have a rotary phone, please stay on the line after the menu.
Thank you for calling.
Please listen carefully to the following system status message.
All of our representatives are currently busy.
Please leave a message after the tone and a representative will contact you as soon as possible.
Please stay on the line and your call will be answered by the next available representative.
To be called back when a representative is available, press--
Please enter your ten-digit telephone number, area code first.
Please enter your--
--digit account number, skipping any punctuation, followed by the pound key.
Press 1
Press 2
Press 3
Press 4
Press 5
Press 6
Press 7
Press 8
Press 9
Press hash
Press star
Press pound
For a wakeup call...
Wakeup call
This is your wakeup call.
To snooze for...
To request a wakeup call...
To confirm a wakeup call...
To cancel a wakeup call...
Enter a time using 4 digits.  Start with a zero for hours less than ten.
Press 1 for A.M, or 2 for P.M.
You have requested a wakeup call for...
You have not requested a wakeup call.
Your wakeup call has been cancelled.
For english, press
To continue in english, press
to extension
That feature is not available on this line
To save this announcement, press
To rerecord this announcement, press
divided by
Your account
has been
on your monthly telephone statement
Information about your last call
has been flagged for retrvial by law enforcement officials
Law enforcement officials may request this information
the next
The number you have dialed
The new number is
has been changed to
has been disconnected
is no longer in service
has been temporarialy disconnected
at the customers request
has been reassigned in another areacode
please try area code
has not yet been assigned
calls are being taken by
no further information is available about this number
All circuits are busy now
please try your call again later
A charge for this service
For the weather
telephone number
zip code
international call
please try
directory assistance
If you know the extension of the party you wish to reach, dial it now.
To access our company directory, dial 411 or dial zero to leave a message in our general mailbox.
Please continue to hold or dial zero to leave a message in our general mailbox.
Call Forward
Do Not Disturb
The current time is
Thank you for calling
will reflect a charge of
added to
do you wish to continue?
for yes, press
for no, press
or press
to hear this message again.
For a list of
that number
Our business hours are
for investor relations, press
for the lyrics to louie, louie, press
[read the following text as one block; feel free to be musical if you want, but not required]
       Louie Louie, me gotta go
       Louie Louie, me gotta go
       Fine little girl she waits for me
       Me catch the ship for cross the sea
       Me sail the ship all alone
       Me never thinks me make it home
       Three nights and days me sail the sea
       Me think of girl constantly
       On the ship I dream she there
       I smell the rose in her hair
       (chorus, guitar solo)
       Me see Jamaica moon above
       It won't be long, me see my love
       I take her in my arms and then
       Me tell her I never leave again
to hear a toilet flush, press [X]
to hear an odd noise, press [X]
to infuriate our tech staff with your obvious questions, press [X]

[The following phrases are trailing phrases, versus leading phrases, and so verbalize them as if the text in the brackets was actually spoken]

[John Doe] is not available
[Press X] to leave a message
[Press X] to return to the main menu
[Press X] to reach the main office
[Extension X] has been changed to [Extension Y]
[Press X] to hear the current announcement
[Press X] to rerecord this announcement
[Press X] to enable this announcement
[Press X] to disable this announcement

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2004-03-10 12:54:05.000-0600

And now I notice that I've been a total lamer and not even noticed the attached .txt file on this message.  :(  I guess it will have to wait for another round with Allison - my profuse apologies.

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2004-03-25 13:32:57.000-0600

OK, I've finally gotten through the chopping up of this HUGE file.  I have no idea why the system re-named the files to "7.tar.gz" and "7.txt" - I had originally titled them "allison-7.tar.gz" and "allison-7.txt" but I suppose mantis has a mind of it's own.

So, as I noted previously, I missed quite a few phrases (the included file on this bugnote) but you'll find the usual number of easter eggs, including the full lyrics to "Louie, Louie."

By: twisted (twisted) 2004-04-18 02:02:15

markster - this can be added to asterisk-sounds package.  Let's move the files in the gz into there, and then we can move the requests and wishlists to a place other than the bugtracker from now on.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-01 18:51:34

Added to asterisk-sounds CVS.  Thanks!

Oh, and one request for whoever does the next batch:

"If you are calling from a rotary phone, please go buy a new phone and call us back."