
Summary:ASTERISK-00940: PRI Cause Code 17 is not making Dial jump to n+101
Reporter:ewieling (ewieling)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-01-28 17:30:55.000-0600Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:57:07
Versions:Frequency of
Description:As you can see from the Additional Information a busy condition on the destination number generates a disconnect with a cause code 17, but ${HANGUPCAUSE} is still 0 and Dial does not jump to n+101 to indicate busy.  I have busydetect=no because as I understand it, that only applies to ANALOG ports.


Here is the part of my extensions.conf:

exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,1,SetCIDNum(9857648744)
exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(${PSTN}/${EXTEN:1})
exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,4,Macro(generic-error)
exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,103,NoOp(${HANGUPCAUSE})
exten => _91NXXNXXXXXX,104,Busy

Here is the console output with pri debug on:

   -- Executing SetCIDNum("IAX2[btel@btel]/4", "9857648744") in new stack
   -- Executing Dial("IAX2[btel@btel]/4", "Zap/g1/5048379775||d") in new stack
-- Making new call for cr 32774
> Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=61
> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 6/0x6) (Originator)
> Message type: SETUP (5)
> Bearer Capability (len= 3) [ Ext: 1  Q.931 Std: 0  Info transfer capability: Speech (0)
>                              Ext: 1  Trans mode/rate: 64kbps, circuit-mode (16)
>                              Ext: 1  User information layer 1: u-Law (34)
> Channel ID (len= 5) [ Ext: 1  IntID: Implicit, PRI Spare: 0, Exclusive Dchan: 0
>                        ChanSel: Reserved
>                       Ext: 1  Coding: 0   Number Specified   Channel Type: 3
>                       Ext: 1  Channel: 1 ]
> Display (len=13) [ > Display (len=13) [ 1> Display (len=13) [ 1E> Display (len=13) [ 1Er> Display (len=13) [ 1Eri> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric > Display (len=13) [ 1Eric W> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wi> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wie> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wiel> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wieli> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wielin> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wieling> Display (len=13) [ 1Eric Wieling ]
> Progress Indicator (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location: User (0)
>                               Ext: 1  Progress Description: Calling equipment is non-ISDN. (3) ]
> Calling Number (len=14) [ Ext: 0  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0)
>                           Presentation: Presentation permitted, user number not screened (0) '9857648744' ]
> Called Number (len=13) [ Ext: 1  TON: Unknown Number Type (0)  NPI: Unknown Number Plan (0) '5048379775' ]
   -- Called g1/5048379775
< Protocol Discriminator: Q.931 (8)  len=9
< Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 32774/0x8006) (Terminator)
< Message type: RELEASE COMPLETE (90)
< Cause (len= 2) [ Ext: 1  Coding: CCITT (ITU) standard (0) 0: 0   Location: User (0)
<                  Ext: 1  Cause: User busy (17), class = Normal Event (1) ]
-- Processing IE 8 (Cause)
   -- Channel 1, span 1 got hangup
NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Calling q931_hangup, ourstate Null, peerstate Null
NEW_HANGUP DEBUG: Destroying the call, ourstate Null, peerstate Null
   -- Hungup 'Zap/1-1'
 == No one is available to answer at this time
   -- Executing NoOp("IAX2[btel@btel]/4", "0") in new stack
   -- Executing Macro("IAX2[btel@btel]/4", "generic-error") in new stack
   -- Executing Busy("IAX2[btel@btel]/4", "") in new stack
 == Spawn extension (macro-generic-error, s, 1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2[btel@btel]/4' in macro 'generic-error'
 == Spawn extension (local-access, s, 4) exited non-zero on 'IAX2[btel@btel]/4'
   -- Hungup 'IAX2[btel@btel]/4'
Comments:By: zoa (zoa) 2004-01-29 04:27:14.000-0600

This seems to be very related to this:

By: cypromis (cypromis) 2004-01-29 06:53:48.000-0600

Yeah it is basically same shit :)
also the CDR does not show BUSY as the disconnect reason but NO_ANSWER right ?

By: thansen (thansen) 2004-01-29 09:27:48.000-0600

I've run some tests here (recent cvs) and it does not jump to priority N+101 (thank god for that - it would complicate my dialplans a lot), but HANGUPCAUSE is set to 2 as expected.