
Summary:ASTERISK-00930: Sip Retransmit and problem placing receiving calls
Reporter:bfranks (bfranks)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-01-28 09:57:15.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:08
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I'm using Polycom SP 500 phones all on an internal switched lan, and occasionally (maybe 1x or 2x a day) the SIP channel will not allow any incoming/outgoing calls after an outbreak of retransmits for about 8 - 10 minutes.

The outbreak only lasts for a second, but the consequences of not being able to dial Voicemail, other SIP phones, or even ZAP Channels lasts for about 8 minutes.  Basically all of my phones are SIP based and they can't do anything after an outbreak.

Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries exceeded on call 9519b2ec-c0da277a-4c6af309@ for seqno 1 (Res
Jan 28 09:12:20 WARNING[1116941120]: Maximum retries ex


I noticed a similar description in bug  ASTERISK-647.
Comments:By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-28 13:39:27.000-0600

These "WARNING" messages are normal.  I get them with all my sip gear but my stuff works fine.

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2004-01-28 15:17:27.000-0600

Are you using qualify= on the SIP peers?
If so, after the outbreak, please check 'sip show peers' and see it the peer is UNREACHABLE.

Turn on SIP DEBUG, try to find out what message is resent. Is it message waiting NOTIFY or Qualify OPTIONS?

If you don't understand what the problem is, please save SIP DEBUG messages to file and attach to bug report.

By: jrollyson (jrollyson) 2004-01-28 19:29:21.000-0600

Are the peers behind NAT? If they are, are you using STUN or nat=yes for NAT transversal?
Please attach a sanitized copy of your sip.conf entries, they may help.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-02-01 19:28:20.000-0600

contact myself or kram on irc and we can login and look at this.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-02-01 23:49:27.000-0600

If this is still happening please let me know.