
Summary:ASTERISK-00883: SIP mis-directed REGISTER statements
Reporter:John Todd (jtodd)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-01-20 13:06:04.000-0600Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:12
Versions:Frequency of
Description:I have a * server with 23 peers, and 6 register lines.

I have a 7960 with six full lines registered.  Three of the six lines register to the * server that is showing problems.  

I am seeing requests headed TO my phone from the * server, asking to REGISTER with one of the hosts that I have in the "register =>" list in my sip.conf.  In other words, something is getting horribly confused within * and sending the REGISTER requests to my 7960 instead of to the IP address to which they should be going.


I do not have the time at the moment to suitably anonymize my packet dumps for public consumption, therefore I will happy work with someone personally on solving this problem but cannot offer detailed packet traces at the moment due to time issuses.  

I include two very preliminary packets below.  My 7960 is behind a NAT (from *'s perspective) and is at, and my asterisk server is
Comments:By: John Todd (jtodd) 2004-01-20 13:06:30.000-0600

Frame 159 (459 bytes on wire, 459 bytes captured)
   Arrival Time: Jan 20, 2004 13:36:57.472295000
   Time delta from previous packet: 17.347872000 seconds
   Time relative to first packet: 146.400892000 seconds
   Frame Number: 159
   Packet Length: 459 bytes
   Capture Length: 459 bytes
Ethernet II, Src: 00:0c:30:f8:bd:e2, Dst: 00:09:b7:aa:17:95
   Destination: 00:09:b7:aa:17:95 (Cisco_aa:17:95)
   Source: 00:0c:30:f8:bd:e2 (00:0c:30:f8:bd:e2)
   Type: IP (0x0800)
   Trailer: 7AC97EE5
Internet Protocol, Src Addr: (, Dst Addr: (
   Version: 4
   Header length: 20 bytes
   Differentiated Services Field: 0x00 (DSCP 0x00: Default; ECN: 0x00)
       0000 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Default (0x00)
       .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
       .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
   Total Length: 441
   Identification: 0x0000
   Flags: 0x04
       .1.. = Don't fragment: Set
       ..0. = More fragments: Not set
   Fragment offset: 0
   Time to live: 48
   Protocol: UDP (0x11)
   Header checksum: 0x3347 (correct)
   Source: (
   Destination: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 5060 (5060), Dst Port: 5060 (5060)
   Source port: 5060 (5060)
   Destination port: 5060 (5060)
   Length: 421
   Checksum: 0x32f6 (correct)
Session Initiation Protocol
   Request line: REGISTER sip:sipauth.deltathree.com SIP/2.0
   Message Header
       Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK774cb7a0
       From: <sip:14158747249@sipauth.deltathree.com>;tag=as66ab258e
       To: <sip:14158747249@sipauth.deltathree.com>
       Call-ID: 6f9c4b5654246cc829a1b4a134347dc4@
       CSeq: 11288 REGISTER
       User-Agent: Asterisk PBX
       Expires: 120
       Contact: <sip:14158747249@>
       Event: registration
       Content-length: 0

Frame 160 (397 bytes on wire, 397 bytes captured)
   Arrival Time: Jan 20, 2004 13:36:57.493058000
   Time delta from previous packet: 0.020763000 seconds
   Time relative to first packet: 146.421655000 seconds
   Frame Number: 160
   Packet Length: 397 bytes
   Capture Length: 397 bytes
Ethernet II, Src: 00:09:b7:aa:17:95, Dst: 00:0c:30:f8:bd:e2
   Destination: 00:0c:30:f8:bd:e2 (00:0c:30:f8:bd:e2)
   Source: 00:09:b7:aa:17:95 (Cisco_aa:17:95)
   Type: IP (0x0800)
   Trailer: ABF8D6F3
Internet Protocol, Src Addr: (, Dst Addr: (
   Version: 4
   Header length: 20 bytes
   Differentiated Services Field: 0x60 (DSCP 0x18: Class Selector 3; ECN: 0x00)
       0110 00.. = Differentiated Services Codepoint: Class Selector 3 (0x18)
       .... ..0. = ECN-Capable Transport (ECT): 0
       .... ...0 = ECN-CE: 0
   Total Length: 379
   Identification: 0x08ad
   Flags: 0x00
       .0.. = Don't fragment: Not set
       ..0. = More fragments: Not set
   Fragment offset: 0
   Time to live: 64
   Protocol: UDP (0x11)
   Header checksum: 0x5a78 (correct)
   Source: (
   Destination: (
User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 5060 (5060), Dst Port: 5060 (5060)
   Source port: 5060 (5060)
   Destination port: 5060 (5060)
   Length: 359
   Checksum: 0x0000 (none)
Session Initiation Protocol
   Status line: SIP/2.0 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist
   Message Header
       Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK774cb7a0
       From: <sip:14158747249@sipauth.deltathree.com>;tag=as66ab258e
       To: <sip:14158747249@sipauth.deltathree.com>
       Call-ID: 6f9c4b5654246cc829a1b4a134347dc4@
       Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 18:36:54 GMT
       CSeq: 11288 REGISTER
       Content-Length: 0

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-22 01:08:30.000-0600

Attach at sip debug not a packet trace please.  Use the clip command sip debug and also make sure nat processing on the 7960 on and nat=yes in sip.conf for that peer.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-25 00:05:34.000-0600

OH I wonder if the externip and those things will on bug 104 that were added recently would fix this?  Have you tried those?  hrm... jtodd sorry didn't realize this was your bug! :P


By: John Todd (jtodd) 2004-02-05 10:06:05.000-0600

Due to flapping networks and my departure from this office, I will probably not be able to easily reproduce this issue in the near future.  I suspect it hasn't been fixed, but it will be some weeks (March, probably) before I can even hope to try to reproduce this issue.  The important thing is to look at those two packets I included, and recall that I sniffed them on a network that was very distant from my Asterisk server, so why am I seeing REGISTER requests sent to the phone?  Totally backwards.  I think this is symptomatic of some fairly significant flaw in chan_sip, but this monster only raises it's head under unusual circumstances.

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2004-02-05 15:13:32.000-0600

The register=> engine in chan_sip has been changed quite a lot in recent cvs (0.7.2). There was some locking issues that has been fixed.

Jtodd, check "sip show registry" when you're back visiting this network. Does it show the correct host address for sipauth.deltathree.com?

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-03-19 17:51:59.000-0600

If this is still an issue we will reopen.