
Summary:ASTERISK-00846: Ever increasing module use count
Reporter:thansen (thansen)Labels:
Date Opened:2004-01-15 05:39:35.000-0600Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:55:32
Versions:Frequency of
Description:Ever increasing use count:

gw-2*CLI> show modules
Module        Description                      Use Count
chan_iax2.so  Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)        235

gw-2*CLI> show uptime
System uptime: 20 hours, 23 minutes, 40 seconds

gw-2*CLI> iax2 show channels
2 active IAX channel(s)
Comments:By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-16 00:03:34.000-0600

I can confirm this.  If you have no iax channels active you can unload -h chan_iax2.so without much pain.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-18 01:00:16.000-0600

Ok I need you to do a "show channels" see if you have any zombie channels.  Also check your iax.conf and see if you have trunk=yes on one end and not the other.  I'm trying to pin this down but found now we have zombie channels hanging around.  Very strange.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-18 01:17:09.000-0600

Here is what I did:  I have a 7960 here on my desk.  Local and remote asterisk server.  IAX2 trunking configured between them:

Called 876 which is IAX2/brian@brian/999:
   -- Executing Dial("SIP/10-4fe0", "IAX2/brian@brian/999") in new stack
      > DEBUG: USECOUNT ++
   -- Called brian@brian/999
   -- Call accepted by (format GSM)
   -- Format for call is GSM
   -- IAX2[brian]/16384 is ringing
It answers:
   -- IAX2[brian]/16384 answered SIP/10-4fe0
I press conf on my 7960:
   -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on IAX2[brian]/16384
I call 876 again:
   -- Executing Dial("SIP/10-c440", "IAX2/brian@brian/999") in new stack
      > DEBUG: USECOUNT ++
   -- Called brian@brian/999
   -- Call accepted by (format GSM)
   -- Format for call is GSM
   -- IAX2[brian]/16385 is ringing
Second call is answered:
   -- IAX2[brian]/16385 answered SIP/10-c440
I press join on my 7960:
   -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2[brian]/16384
I hangup at this point with end call:
   -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on IAX2[brian]/16384
   -- Stopped music on hold on IAX2[brian]/16384
   -- Attempting native bridge of IAX2[brian]/16384 and IAX2[brian]/16385
It never hangs up:

The remote server has:

asterisk*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
IAX2[brian@brian]/16385  (default    999          3   )      Up MusicOnHold   default
IAX2[brian@brian]/16384  (default    999          3   )      Up MusicOnHold   default
2 active channel(s)

the local server that made the calls:

asterisk*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
IAX2[brian]/16385  (default    s            1   )      Up Bridged Call  IAX2[brian]/16384
IAX2[brian]/16384  (default    876          1   )      Up Dial          IAX2/brian@brian/999
SIP/10-c440<ZOMBIE>  (default    s            1   )      Up Bridged Call  SIP/10-4fe0
   SIP/10-4fe0  (default    876          1   )      Up Dial          IAX2/brian@brian/999
4 active channel(s)

Now if I go to the remote server and issue "soft hangup channelname" both channels even thou they were not passing data at all hangup on both ends of the loop.  The use count only decrements by 1 on both ends instead of two.

Not sure but this looks like a transfer/trunking bug.

edited on: 01-18-04 01:08

By: thansen (thansen) 2004-01-22 06:39:40.000-0600

I'm not using IAX trunking due to missing zaptel timing on remote ends. Perhaps a missing usecount-- in bridging?

(gw-1 is local, gw-2 is remote.)

gw-2*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
SIP/a.a.a.a-602a  (local-in                1   )      Up Bridged Call  IAX2[gw-1@gw-1]/3
IAX2[gw-1@gw-1]/3  (local-out  xxxxxxxx     16  )      Up Dial          SIP/xxxxxxxx@a.a.a.a|30|r
2 active channel(s)

gw-1*CLI> show channels
       Channel  (Context    Extension    Pri )   State Appl.         Data
  IAX2[gw-2]/3  (           s            1   )      Up Bridged Call  Zap/80-1
      Zap/80-1  (cxnet-out  xxxxxxxx     6   )      Up Dial          IAX2/gw-1@b.b.b.b/xxxxxxxx@cxnet-in|120|r
2 active channel(s)

gw-2*CLI> show modules
Module               Description                              Use Count
chan_iax2.so         Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          2260

gw-1*CLI> show modules
Module               Description                              Use Count
chan_iax2.so         Inter Asterisk eXchange (Ver 2)          7174

By: thansen (thansen) 2004-02-25 04:32:18.000-0600

This problem seems to have disappeared with Asterisk CVS-02/19/04-10:52:21-CET.

By: zoa (zoa) 2004-02-25 04:33:37.000-0600

i also don't see this problem on any of my servers.