
Summary:ASTERISK-00718: [TDM400P] Ring signal frequency not compatible with some devices
Reporter:Julien Lesaint (jlesaint)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-12-27 17:22:08.000-0600Date Closed:2008-06-07 10:45:23
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) zap25Hz.diff
Description:Seems that FXS modules (on a TMD400P) are generating a 20 Hz signal to ring attached device. Some of them (especially those sold in France) will not recognize this signal as a ring tone and then won't trigger "ring condition" actions. French telco uses 50 Hz signaling. Would it be possible to insert a configuration option for this ? Tia.


Cf. 2. Ringing characteristics.
Comments:By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-03-10 07:20:20.000-0600

> Seems that FXS modules (on a TMD400P) are generating a 20 Hz signal to
> ring attached device.


> Some of them (especially those sold in France) will not recognize this
> signal as a ring tone and then won't trigger "ring condition" actions.
> French telco uses 50 Hz signaling.

Yes. As well as a DC offset voltage of 50 Volts. I guess other european
countries suffer the same problem. You can change some values and get
it right. See bug ASTERISK-594 and the Zap patch.

> Would it be possible to insert a configuration option for this ?

It should be possible.

By: twisted (twisted) 2004-04-18 11:07:48

Any update on this?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-03 21:33:41

Can you find me on IRC, and I'd like to try out some changes to the driver on your box to see if they make your phone ring.  Thanks!

By: twisted (twisted) 2004-05-04 21:55:05

Reminder sent to ericbart

Markster would like to help you fix your problem, but you'll need to get with him and update here please.  Thank you!

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-05-05 01:58:59

It works quite fine by me. I believe this problem is quite over. Now, someone has to write the localization patch.

Furthermore my box is down now. It should be up next week.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-05 10:19:59

I'm a little confused...  It's still 20 Hz.  I do have a way to make it run 50Hz though.

By: Julien Lesaint (jlesaint) 2004-05-05 11:39:30

In my first note I did not mention affected device types. Generic phones should not suffer any problem, it will not be true for modern DECT phones or even modems (in my case the problem is occuring with a 3com/USR modem). Unfortunately I'm not able to test right now since cards are not installed.

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-05-05 15:14:08

As I remember, I had two devices that could not detect this 20 Hz ringing :
an Olitec modem and the Digium FXO !

The first one was fixed by a 50Hz patch. Then I noticed the FXO didn't detect the FXS ringing. I tried 25 Hz and it worked fine with both modem and FXO.

Did someone try the loop test : FXS -> FXO ? It's easy to do it. Just plug the FXS cable in the FXO (no phone & no land line). Ring the FXO with the FXS. Does it work with the 20 Hz and 50Hz ringing ? I tested it wrong.

The register values I choosed for setting the frequencies are already posted in this site (check bug ASTERISK-594).

I tried to deal with the DC level but stopped because it seemed unnecessary and I got some power alert messages.

edited on: 05-05-04 14:18

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-05-06 11:55:04

> Does it work with the 20 Hz and 50Hz ringing ? I tested it wrong.

Mwell ... maybe it was ok with 20 Hz ... I don't remember whether I tested it with
20 Hz. I remember that the Olitec modem didn't react to 20 Hz and that the FXO didn't react to 50 Hz. Both reacted to 25 Hz.

This is strange because the FXO did detect the 50 Hz land line ringing signal. Why didn't it detect the FXS 50 Hz ? I don't know.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-06 12:01:27

The X100P is really designed to detect ringing at 20-30 hz.

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-05-06 13:35:09

Sorry Mark :o)

Today I started thinking "Why didn't Mark test the X100P with this loop test ? Of course he did ! Then I'm wrong ... Uhhh ..."

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-05-06 14:44:08

Why would I have tested off the FXS at 50Hz?  That's not even a feature of the default install, it's somebody else's patch, or am I missing something here?

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-05-06 15:43:18

It was my mistake to say the FXS can't ring the FXO at 20Hz. Of course it can.

As of this FXS bug, I repeat that every french devices of mine detect the 25 Hz signal. I think that the default french ringing frequency should be 25 Hz since it's better for ringing the FXO. Of course the 50 Hz option should be available.

By: twisted (twisted) 2004-07-01 16:48:15

What's the status of this.   This one one I'd hate to jump the gun on.

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-07-02 06:14:08

To my opinion there's a good (lazy) solution. Just change the default frequency to 25 Hz. I'm confident every phone and modem supporting the old frequency will also accept 25 Hz. But this has to be tested and validated by Digium.

Otherwise just make a configuration option for the ringing frequency of the Zaptel fxs channel. I won't and can't do it.

By: Julien Lesaint (jlesaint) 2004-07-02 06:19:52

Attn ericbart:

> As of this FXS bug, I repeat that every french devices of mine detect
> the 25 Hz signal.

See my previous update, new devices should be affected. That's the case with
a modem here and I'm not sure increasing the frequency by a 5 Hz step will help
everywhere with every device.

> I think that the default french ringing frequency should be 25 Hz

I disagree. It should be an option, and this option shoud allow 50 Hz (as
specified in French network specifications) to be generated by the FXS.
Default setup should remain 20 Hz.

> since it's better for ringing the FXO.

I don't understand, why would someone ring a FXO card using a FXS module ?
It's likely to be a very uncommon setup.

Attn twister:

Next step is to test a "FXS 50 Hz patch".

By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-07-02 12:39:22

>> As of this FXS bug, I repeat that every french devices of mine detect
>> the 25 Hz signal.
>See my previous update, new devices should be affected.

From your posts it seems that you didn't test 25Hz nor 50Hz. Did you ?

Here's the wcfxs.c patch for 25 Hz :
{20,"RING_OSC",0x7E6C},  // new value for 25Hz
{21,"RING_X",0x023A},    // new value for 25Hz

You'll get the 50 Hz patch here :

Please test and let us know.

By: randulo (randulo) 2004-07-03 09:42:53

It works - my older Siemens DECT non CID phones ring now and the old American one still rings.

This problem drove me nuts for weeks!

I happened to hear about this from Mark July 2nd and tried it today July 3rd (how's that for bidirectional service?)

adding this (commenting out the original two lines) and a remake of zaptel, unload / reload modules and I'm smiling!

{20,"RING_OSC",0x7E6C}, // new value for 25Hz
{21,"RING_X",0x023A}, // new value for 25Hz

edited on: 07-03-04 09:29

By: Julien Lesaint (jlesaint) 2004-07-03 20:44:11

Eric, increasing the frequency to 25 Hz worked. Didn't think it would be enough ! I also noticed the modules are emitting an acute sound while ringing the line. Seems to increase with the frequency... is it normal or dangerous for the hardware ?

By: twisted (twisted) 2004-07-23 20:37:41

I hate to keep poking at this, but is it still an issue, or something we're going to handle pre-1.0?

By: Julien Lesaint (jlesaint) 2004-07-29 18:34:21

The patch is working. Either have it integrated into wcfxs.c (everybody will have 25 Hz ring signals) or create an option in zconfig.h. In case the second solution is chosen, a developper will have to code it. I feel this choice is left to * developpers now.

By: Olle Johansson (oej) 2004-08-08 15:25:44

Any updates?


By: Julien Lesaint (jlesaint) 2004-08-09 16:29:30

Please read my last update carefully; bug closure is in Asterisk developper hands now, we are waiting for an update from them, not from bug reporter (even if that's what I'm doing right now...) Tell me if I'm wrong :-)

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-08-22 23:16:22

Can we get the patch attached?  So we can get this closed out and fixed in CVS please.


By: ericbart (ericbart) 2004-08-23 05:12:10

Simple patch added : zap25Hz.diff

It just changes the default frequency to 25 Hz. This is required by the european
standard TBR21.  I'm confident US telephony devices will accept it as well, but
I have no reliable information on that.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2004-09-15 15:38:46

Merged so that 25Hz is enabled on FXS when fxshonormode=1 and opermode=TBR21

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-06-07 10:45:23

Repository: dahdi
Revision: 458

U   trunk/wcfxs.c
U   trunk/wctdm.c

r458 | markster | 2008-06-07 10:45:22 -0500 (Sat, 07 Jun 2008) | 2 lines

When using fxshonormode=1 and opermode=TBR21 set ring to 25 Hz (bug ASTERISK-718)

