
Summary:ASTERISK-00323: sample.call (/var/spool/asterisk/outgoing) doesn't record dialled number in MySQL
Reporter:gus (gus)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-09-26 23:31:05Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:11:55
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When I put a sample.call in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing the called number is not recorded in MySQL. The number that applications puts in dst fields is the extension inside *.


sample.call contains:

Channel: SIP/1553030000@
Context: default
Extension: 2091
Priority: 1
Callerid: Outgoing Call <2099>

MySQL record:
| calldate            | clid                     | src      | dst        | dcontext | channel                | dstchannel             | lastapp        | lastdata                        | duration | billsec | disposition | amaflags | accountcode | uniqueid |
| 2003-09-27 00:43:22 | Outgoing Call <2099>      | 2099     | 2091       | default  | SIP/ |                        | MusicOnHold    | default                         |       54 |      54 | ANSWERED    |        3 |             |      
Comments:By: John Todd (jtodd) 2003-09-28 01:52:11

This bug is already documented in http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000240  and effects more than just MySQL CDR logging.

Unless you believe that this is a different problem, this bug should be closed and notes added to the "master" bug note.

By: gus (gus) 2003-09-28 10:07:37

I think that 240 and 326 are different problems (I repeat: "I think")
Bug report 240 is related to "CDR not logging..", but this report is related to data misunderstanding in the table. Anyway, if you like to have this report as part of 240, please let me know.

By: gus (gus) 2003-09-28 10:28:18

Ok, you're right. I'll move the data to 240 bug report.

Thanks, John.