
Summary:ASTERISK-00224: ACD terminology
Reporter:jrollyson (jrollyson)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-09-05 01:11:13Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:14:12
Versions:Frequency of
Description:The ACD terminology I see used in * doesn't seem to match the terminology used in most callcenters.

Here are a list of terms I've found in common use:

ACD_IN (status) - Agent is on an ACD CALL
EXT_OUT (status) - Agent in on an outbound non-ACD call.
EXT_IN (status) - Agent is on a non-acd inbound or internal call.
HOLD (status) - Agent has placed a call on hold.
ACW (status) - Agent is in "After Call Work" mode.
AUX (status) - Agent has selected an aux work mode to avoid
calls while remaining logged into the system. Typical AUX codes might include one for "supervisor assistance", breaks, answering customer email, performing callbacks, as well a a "default" aux status that agents logging into the
system are automatically placed in until they indicate that
they are ready to take calls. This status typically is used  also after a RONA event (roll over no answer).
RONA (event) - roll over no answer - a call was routed to the agent but the call was not picked up. (A flogging offense in most callcenters ;)
abandons (performance measurement) - number of callers that hung up while in queue.
abandon time (performance measurement) - average time that an abandoned call waited in queue before the caller hung up.
answer time (performance measurement) - average time taken to answer a call.
ring time (performance measurement) - average time spent ringing
staffing (performance measurement) - number of agents logged in to the system, and related measurements
agent utilization (performance measurement) - percentange of agent logged in time that was spent on acd calls.
acd time (performance measurement) - amount of time spent
on acd calls.
acw time (performance measurement) - amount of time spent on after call work.
aux time (performance measurement) - amount of time spent on aux work (breaks, projects, other assigned duties, system problems, etc dependant on local configuration)
calls offered (performance measurement) - the number of calls actually entering the queue.
calls taken (performance measurement) - the number of calls actually answered (will often be slightly lower that number offered, due to abandons.)

Comments:By: John Todd (jtodd) 2003-09-08 15:08:47

this is useful data.  Mark - any idea if:

1) This can be integrated into some sort of in-line notes for the app_queue stuff or

2) if it's useful at all to sync the Asterisk defintions to some external list.

By: x martinp (martinp) 2003-11-03 16:31:17.000-0600

I added it to www.digium.com to FAQ section.