
Summary:ASTERISK-00205: [patch] Add support for H.323 NAPTR records to EnumLookup
Reporter:otmar (otmar)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-09-02 08:33:46Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:16
Versions:Frequency of
Environment:Attachments:( 0) enum-h323.diff
( 1) enum-h323.diff
Description:Rather straight forward. Two issues though:

1) the technology 'OH323' is hardcoded into EnumLookup. I've no clue what effect that has on recent developements concerning asterisk vs. alternativ H.323 channels

2) I do not have access to the H.323 document, thus I'm not sure how H.323 URIs really look like.

But anyway, this code enabled my Asterisk box to call Innovaphone German over H.323 routed via ENUM. This was demo'ed at the RIPE46 conference.
Comments:By: Brian West (bkw918) 2003-09-02 08:37:00

this is already in there.. granted its for H323 and not OH323 but that can be easily fixed.

exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,EnumLookup(${EXTEN})
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(${ENUM})
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,3,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN})
exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,52,Dial(Zap/1/${ENUM})

Check recent additions to enum.

*.  IN      NAPTR   2       42      "u"     "h323+E2U" "!^\\+(.*)$!h323:\\1@x.x.x.x!" .


Check http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000202

edited on: 09-02-03 08:20

edited on: 10-08-03 15:27

By: otmar (otmar) 2003-09-02 09:25:34

You beat me by 3 days. I should check the CVS more often.

I might still do some cleanup though.

btw, why don't you use the e164.arpa tree?


By: Brian West (bkw918) 2003-09-02 09:32:00

Wasnt aware the e164.arpa was even populated with anything.  Happen to know how to get stuff listed in e164.arpa?


By: otmar (otmar) 2003-09-02 10:19:07

That depends on your country code. For Austria, we got 3.4.e164.arpa delegated for the local ENUM trial. Within the trial, nic.at is playing Tier1 registry, and anybody interested in participating in the trial can get delegations.

Then there is +878 10 which is owned by Vision NG. It's quite simple to get a number block assigned in there including the ENUM delegation. We've got that worked our for FWD and iptel.org.

Anyway, contact me at lendl@nic.at if you want further info or help.


By: Brian West (bkw918) 2003-09-02 19:53:55

we need to have an option in the enum.conf to do H323 or OH323 otherwise its gonna be drama.


By: otmar (otmar) 2003-09-03 04:17:33

I'll try to come up with a unified patch.


By: John Todd (jtodd) 2003-09-18 20:18:54

This appears to be already merged.  Is that correct?  Can I mark this as "resolved"? Or are we waiting for the unified patch?

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-09-18 20:29:15

We'll wait until we have the unified h323 and oh323 one...

By: otmar (otmar) 2003-09-25 09:39:12

There is my unified patch.

I sent it to Brian on Sept. 3rd. but did not get a feedback whether it is fine for him. Anyway, it's in use here and from my point of view, works both for SIP and H323.

It adds a config file variable for enum.conf.

Sorry for the delay.

By: otmar (otmar) 2003-09-25 09:42:12

I forgot to note: the patch is relativ to the CVS from 2003/09/02.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2003-09-25 09:42:49

doh my bad.. seems to be fine.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2003-09-29 18:40:18

lets get this final patch put in... it fixes a few issues with my patch and adds the h323driver option in enum.conf

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2003-10-19 20:35:51

Looking in ../configs/enum.conf.sample  I see some of the changes listed in this patch.  Does that mean that this has been applied and that this ticket should be marked as "resolved"?

By: John Todd (jtodd) 2003-10-21 22:20:14

If there are no comments, I will assume this is done and I will mark as "resolved".  Any objections?

By: otmar (otmar) 2003-10-22 01:26:42

It should be resolved. I resubmitted all of my patches about two weeks ago when I resynced to CVS and according to the notes, Mark applied the patches. See <a href="http://bugs.digium.com/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=0000351"bug ID 351</a>.