
Summary:ASTERISK-00175: pbx_outgoing should take multiple channels
Reporter:mrjones (mrjones)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-08-26 12:42:06Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:04:39
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When queueing an outgiong call via the sample.call file in in /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing it permits only one channel to be specified to place the initial call.  If you have a setup where a person has two phones in different physical locations, it would be handy to specify N channels so that they could all be rung and * would take the first one picked up to connect the second call to.
Comments:By: James Golovich (jamesgolovich) 2003-08-26 13:06:33

While this isn't the best way to do it, you should be able to use the local channel driver to make this happen.

For example, in the outgoing spool file put:
Channel: Local/1@testoutgoing

and in extensions.conf:
exten => 1,1,Dial(Zap/g1&IAX/testing&SIP/whatever)

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-27 10:57:24

At this point, I"m not sure the outgoing spool interface is really designed for this sort of functionality.  I think the method James described is the best way.

By: John Laur (gork) 2003-08-28 14:14:01

An idea would be to import extension definitions present in the spool file into a dynamiclly named (with a GUID) context. The context would be destroyed when the spooler finishes its business.

On second thought, that doesnt really help this problem. I dont understand how james's solution solves it either.

Since the Channel: line accepts Dial syntax, can't you spool up something like this:

ChanneL: SIP/phoneA&SIP/phoneB

By: mrjones (mrjones) 2003-08-28 14:29:31

Ideally "channel:" value would take an extension and context instead.  Thus you would be able to pass a channel OR application OR extension+context.

By: x martinp (martinp) 2003-09-04 15:34:16

At this point, I"m not sure the outgoing spool interface is really designed for this sort of functionality. I think the method James described is the best way.
Use chan_local channel driver to achieve the same result.