
Summary:ASTERISK-00167: ackcall on agentlogin does not work on a masquerade, with ':' groups
Reporter:tclark (tclark)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-08-25 12:48:18Date Closed:2004-09-25 02:14:13
Versions:Frequency of
Description:1) do agentlogin with a setting of ackall=always
2) put 2 calls in the q and set the timeout in queue.con to a large value like timout=30
3) the first call prompts for # to ack the call
4) do a * to hang up the call
5) the next call using the masquerade does not promt for the # key acknowledge


agent => 100,,DispatchOP

music = none
timeout = 30
retry = 1
maxlen = 0
member => Agent/:1

*********Relevent output from CLI debug
   -- agent_call, call to agent '100' call on 'Zap/1-1'
   -- Playing 'beep'
   -- Called :1
DEBUG[688145]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3303 (zt_read): DTMF digit: # on Zap/1-1
   -- Zap/1-1 acknowledged
   -- Agent/100 answered IAX[dispatch@]/3606
   -- Stopped music on hold on IAX[dispatch@]/3606
DEBUG[688145]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3303 (zt_read): DTMF digit: * on Zap/1-1

DEBUG[679952]: File chan_agent.c, Line 713 (check_availability): Checking availability of '100'
DEBUG[679952]: File chan_agent.c, Line 724 (check_availability): Call 'Agent/P:1-1874' looks like a winner for agent '100'
DEBUG[679952]: File chan_agent.c, Line 738 (check_availability): Playing beep, lang 'en'
DEBUG[679952]: File channel.c, Line 947 (ast_settimeout): Scheduling timer at 160 sample intervals
   -- Playing 'beep'
DEBUG[679952]: File chan_agent.c, Line 740 (check_availability): Played beep, result '0'
DEBUG[679952]: File channel.c, Line 947 (ast_settimeout): Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals
DEBUG[679952]: File channel.c, Line 947 (ast_settimeout): Scheduling timer at 0 sample intervals
DEBUG[679952]: File chan_agent.c, Line 743 (check_availability): Waited for stream, result '0'
DEBUG[679952]: File channel.c, Line 1809 (ast_channel_masquerade): Planning to masquerade Agent/100 into the structure of Agent/P:1-1874
DEBUG[679952]: File channel.c, Line 1827 (ast_channel_masquerade): Done planning to masquerade Agent/P:1-1874 into the structure of Agent/100
   -- Agent/P:1-1874 answered IAX[dispatch@]/3607
   -- Stopped music on hold on IAX[dispatch@]/3607
DEBUG[696338]: File channel.c, Line 1856 (ast_do_masquerade): Actually Masquerading Agent/100(6) into the structure of Agent/P:1-1874(6)

Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-25 19:34:34

Untested fix in CVS

By: tclark (tclark) 2003-08-25 20:22:40

hmm, i log in a agentlogin with ackcall=yes, place a call in the Q
then the system appears to be deadlocked
no dial tone on ny channels, and after entering in a 2nd show agents
command the the CLI is unresponsive

show agents
100          (DispatchOP) logged in on Zap/1-1 is idle (musiconhold is 'none')
101          (OrderEntryOp) not logged in (musiconhold is 'none')

taxidispatch has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy
     Agent/:1 has taken no calls yet
     Agent/:2 has taken no calls yet
  No Callers

default      has 0 calls (max unlimited) in 'ringall' strategy
  No Members
  No Callers

   -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/2-1'
DEBUG[131089]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3388 (zt_read): DTMF digit: 5 on Zap/2-1
DEBUG[131089]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3388 (zt_read): DTMF digit: 0 on Zap/2-1
DEBUG[131089]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3388 (zt_read): DTMF digit: 0 on Zap/2-1
DEBUG[131089]: File chan_zap.c, Line 3388 (zt_read): DTMF digit: 0 on Zap/2-1
DEBUG[131089]: File chan_zap.c, Line 1013 (zt_enable_ec): Enabled echo cancellation on channel 2
   -- Executing Queue("Zap/2-1", "taxidispatchq|t") in new stack
queue: taxidispatchq, options: t, url: (null), announce: (null)
DEBUG[131089]: File channel.c, Line 1285 (ast_prod): Prodding channel 'Zap/2-1'
   -- Started music on hold, class 'acdispatch', on Zap/2-1
DEBUG[131089]: File app_queue.c, Line 747 (try_calling): Simple queue (no URL)
DEBUG[131089]: File app_queue.c, Line 747 (try_calling): Simple queue (no URL)
DEBUG[131089]: File app_queue.c, Line 415 (ring_one): (Parallel) Trying 'Agent/:2' with metric 0
DEBUG[131089]: File chan_agent.c, Line 933 (agent_request): Not creating place holder for ':2' since nobody logged in
DEBUG[131089]: File app_queue.c, Line 415 (ring_one): (Parallel) Trying 'Agent/:1' with metric 0

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-25 22:10:28

How about now?

By: tclark (tclark) 2003-08-26 18:01:42

This now pass's basic testing not production tests but think you can mark as resolved for now

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-09-29 17:00:30

Fixed in CVS