
Summary:ASTERISK-00143: qualify = y crashes Grandstream phones
Reporter:rommer (rommer)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-08-21 15:40:33Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:14
Versions:Frequency of
Description:When qualify = y is set in sip.conf, Grandstream phones will lock up at random times.


Asterisk doesn't seem to gracefully handle timeouts on those qualify requests, and litters the "sip show channels" list with those dead requests.
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-21 19:15:06

I can't seem to duplicate this bug.  Are you sure you're runing CVS?  Can you turn on debug in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and confirm that you don't see a message like:

DEBUG[49159]: File chan_sip.c, Line 860 (__sip_destroy): Destorying call '6f05723a7af92b047bed7ee90f13ef03@'

after the last retransmission?

By: rommer (rommer) 2003-08-21 20:37:38

My cvs was a few days old so i did an update. Lock up occured about one hour later but no dead request appeared in sip show channels.

Turned on debug as you requested and waiting for another lock up.

By: rommer (rommer) 2003-08-21 21:02:55

Just locked again but the debug file does not have any messages with sip_destroy.

Turning off qualify for now....

edited on: 08-21-03 20:47

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-21 23:58:16

I assume that by "lock up" you mean that asterisk freezes and has to be restarted.  It would be helpful if I could login and take a look.  Can you find me on IRC?

By: rommer (rommer) 2003-08-22 06:50:09

I'm sorry I was unclear. By lock up I mean the Grandstream phones are locking up hard, the colon in the clock display no longer flashes (grandstream indicated that that lets you know the computer has stopped running, and requires a power cycle to come back to life. That's why I initialy contacted Grandstream first.

An email on the developers list said, "The problem is not
that the Grandstreams fail when sent the "OPTIONS" request
(qualify=y) but that Asterisk doesn't seem to gracefully handle
timeouts on those qualify requests, and litters the "sip show
channels" list with those dead requests."

Although with the latest CVS the dead requests seem to be cleared out as I no longer see them. I know the Grandstreams are new and still being improved but the fact is that with qualify=y the phones lockup many times per day. If qualify=n then they do not lockup.

If you still need to login let me know as your always welcome!

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-22 09:44:18

Sounds like this is definitely a Grandstream issue then.