
Summary:ASTERISK-00042: Several minor improvements to the agent channel and application.
Reporter:oliver (oliver)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-08-03 16:54:33Date Closed:2008-01-15 14:31:53.000-0600
Versions:Frequency of
Description:It would be nice to implement the following minor changes:

Make the "#" answer-confirmation and "*" hangup optional for agents.  To maintain consistency throughout Asterisk, I'd suggest adding it as option "c" and "H" to chan_agent.  I consider the ability to turn on answer-confirmation only as an option the most important.  Not only would it keep the behaviour of chan_agent a bit more backwards compatible, but answer-confirmation also sometimes doesn't make sense, especially with callback-agents.

On callback-agents, it would be nice to not only be able to specify the context in the argument, but the extension in that context as well.  Specifying it as "1000@context" instead of "@context", for example, would skip the prompt for the extension and use the one specified in the argument.  When only the context is specified, the old behaviour could be maintained.  This would enable us to do things like:

exten => 1234,1,AgentCallbackLogin(|${CALLERIDNUM}@${CONTEXT})

To automagically route calls for an agent to the extension he / she logs in from.

And last but not least, an "AgentLogout"-app would be appreciated, as it would be the best way for callback-agents to log out again and stop receiving calls.
Comments:By: oliver (oliver) 2003-08-03 20:31:03

Suggested implementation for "AgentLogout":

Logs an agent out of the system, prompting the caller for the agent-number, if it's not specified.  Always returns -1.
The option string may contain zero or more of the following characters:
     's' -- silent logout - do not announce the agent logged out segment
     'p' -- prompt for password - prompt for the agent's password

Note that the suggested "p"-option, should you choose to implement it, might be of use on "AgentLogin" and "AgentCallbackLogin" as well, to make it possible to omit prompting for the password.  Prompting for the password could be left in as default, with the "p" disabling it, to maintain backwards compatibility.

edited on: 08-03-03 20:29

By: Adam Goryachev (adamg) 2003-08-09 06:10:11

AgentLogout should return 0 IMHO, which allows the admin to do other things after the user logs out (such as record the logout time in a DB, or to playback other instructions to the user....

If you didn't want to do anything further, a simple call to hangup would be sufficient.

By: Adam Goryachev (adamg) 2003-08-09 06:10:30

AgentLogout should return 0 IMHO, which allows the admin to do other things after the user logs out (such as record the logout time in a DB, or to playback other instructions to the user....

If you didn't want to do anything further, a simple call to hangup would be sufficient.

By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-14 16:20:35

Added in CVS

By: Digium Subversion (svnbot) 2008-01-15 14:31:53.000-0600

Repository: asterisk
Revision: 1334

U   trunk/channels/chan_agent.c

r1334 | markster | 2008-01-15 14:31:53 -0600 (Tue, 15 Jan 2008) | 2 lines

Allow AgentCallbackLogin to specify new location (bug ASTERISK-42)

