
Summary:ASTERISK-00029: [request] Better handling for multiple queues with common members
Reporter:woodyuk (woodyuk)Labels:
Date Opened:2003-07-31 13:01:32Date Closed:2011-06-07 14:05:01
Versions:Frequency of
Description:app_queue is wonderful! We have several queues set up, each of which has a number of members in common. What we find is that the queues retry sequentially such that it is random which queue gets its top caller put through. It would be great (and save clocktime) if it could work the other way round, i.e. all members of all queues are polled for availability and when one is found, it queries which queues that user is a member of and forwards the oldest caller, irrespective of which of the queues they are in.
Comments:By: Mark Spencer (markster) 2003-08-16 15:59:55

This would require major rewrites to be able to support and it doesn't flow well with the existing queue/agent architecture.  I can make this an "experimental feature" and see if anyone wants to tackle it.

By: jrollyson (jrollyson) 2003-11-18 22:10:17.000-0600

You'd also want to decide how priorities figure into this, for example, in a typical technical support enviroment, there are different levels of support. The higher level technicians are CAPABLE of taking lower level calls, but this is avoided. You'd need to somehow weight the routing on a combination of priorities, wait time, and ideally, reserve time considerations as well.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-26 21:40:22.000-0600

join #asterisk-dev and talk to tclark or anthm the new app_icd they are working on might take care of this.  Please join the channel now and talk to them to ensure that it will do what you want.

By: Brian West (bkw918) 2004-01-26 21:40:22.000-0600

join #asterisk-dev and talk to tclark or anthm the new app_icd they are working on might take care of this.  Please join the channel now and talk to them to ensure that it will do what you want.